Monthly Archives: digital marketing
Young web programmers looking at a screen.

Creating a User-Friendly Website

In today’s digital landscape, your website serves as the virtual front door to your business. It’s often the first point of contact for potential customers, making it essential to prioritize user-friendliness. A user-friendly website not only attracts and retains users but also enhances your credibility and conversion rates. 

Important User-Friendly Website Features to Include

These are seven practical strategies for making your website more user-friendly.

Prioritize Responsive Design

Imagine your website as a chameleon that effortlessly blends into every screen—whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This digital dexterity is what we call responsive design. Not only does it create a harmonious user experience, but it also earns a nod from search engines that admire mobile-friendly sites.

To implement responsive design effectively, consider using frameworks like Bootstrap or CSS Grid to create flexible layouts. Regularly test your website on various devices to ensure that it looks and functions flawlessly across the board.

Streamline Navigation

Navigating a confusing website is like going on a treasure hunt without a map. Simplify your website’s navigation with clear menus and ensure essential pages like the homepage, about us, contact, and your offerings are easy to spot.

Don’t leave your visitors hanging, be sure to include buttons at the end of each section that direct users to the next logical webpage i.e. your About Us page might include a button leading to your Leadership page. Encourage your customers to stay on the website by anticipating their journey. 

Including breadcrumb navigation can also help users find their way back to previous pages, providing a sense of direction within your website. This is important for content-heavy websites such as e-commerce.

Additionally, create a custom 404 error page with helpful links to guide users if they encounter dead ends.

Optimize Page Load Times

In the race for digital glory, speed is your friend. Research shows that even a one-second delay can lead to a significant drop in user engagement. To improve your website’s loading time:

  • Compress images and multimedia files to reduce their size.
  • Minimize HTTP requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files.
  • Leverage browser caching to store static resources locally on users’ devices.
  • Consider using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to distribute content from servers located closer to the user.

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix can serve as your website’s pit crew for optimizing performance.

Enhance Readability and Accessibility

Picture your website as an inclusive party where everyone’s invited. To make it accessible to all, adhere to web accessibility standards (WCAG). This means:

  • Providing alt text for images (for those with visual impairments).
  • Choosing legible fonts with sufficient contrast (so everyone can read your compelling content).
  • Implementing keyboard navigation (for those who prefer tapping keys to clicking mice).
  • Offering transcripts and captions for multimedia content (because everyone deserves a front-row seat at the video show).

Enhancing accessibility not only broadens your audience but also signals your commitment to an inclusive digital world.

Opt for Consistency in Design

Consistency in design is like having a personal stylist for your website. Create a style guide that outlines your brand’s visual identity with elements, such as colors, fonts, and layouts. Then, adhere to it across all web pages on your site. Consistency helps users navigate effortlessly, reinforces brand recognition, and signals that you’re reliable and well-put together.

Prioritize Content Clarity

Great content is like a captivating story. Skip the jargon and complex language that can confuse visitors. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make your content easy to read. Additionally, ensure that your content is well-structured and logically organized to guide users through the information seamlessly.

Include a search bar on your website to help users find specific content quickly. A robust search function can be a game-changer, especially for content-rich websites.

Solicit User Feedback and Conduct Testing

Think of your users as the architects of your website’s future. Encourage them to share their thoughts through surveys or contact forms. Treat their input as the blueprint for website enhancements and use this valuable feedback to make continuous improvements.

Conduct usability testing with real users, as if you were hosting an exclusive focus group. By observing how users interact with your website, you can gain insights into areas that need improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance user-friendliness. 

Making your website more user-friendly is not just a best practice; it’s a necessity in today’s competitive digital landscape. A user-friendly website attracts and retains visitors, boosts your brand’s reputation, and ultimately leads to higher conversions. So, roll up your sleeves, apply these practical tips, and create the ideal user-friendly website. Your audience will thank you with their continued visits, engagement, and loyalty, thus paving the way for a successful online presence.

ON Advertising Understands Good Web Design

ON Advertising is one of the top web development agencies in Phoenix with a proven track record of creating successful online presences for brands. We employ the Growth-Driven Design methodology to build and enhance your company’s digital personality and continuously optimize your website for the best results. Get in touch with us today to explore our web development services and discover how we can elevate your business’s online presence.

Person using computer for AI imagery creation

Exploring the Use of AI Imagery in Advertising

In the ever-evolving world of advertising, staying ahead of the competition requires constant innovation. Advertising is undergoing a digital makeover, and at the heart of this transformation is the ingenious integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) imagery. AI is revolutionizing the way brands create, target, and deliver their advertisements, making them more effective and engaging than ever before. 

Weighing the Pros and Cons of AI Imagery Application

Although the advantages are evident, it’s equally crucial to contemplate the possible drawbacks that may surface when utilizing AI imagery in advertising.

Personalization at Scale

Imagine an advertising world where every message feels as personalized as a handwritten letter from a friend. Thanks to AI, this vision is now a vibrant reality. AI is your marketing genie, conjuring up content that caters to each customer’s unique tastes and preferences. It’s like having a digital personal shopper who scours through oceans of user data to handpick imagery and messages that resonate with individuals on a personal level. 

While AI offers remarkable personalization in advertising, it may also present ethical considerations that equally demand our attention. As AI personalizes content, it also has the power to create convincing deepfakes, raising concerns about misinformation and damage to reputations. Striking a balance between creativity and authenticity, while ensuring transparency in the use of AI-generated content, is essential to maintain trust among consumers.

Enhanced Visual Content Creation

Creating stunning visual content has never been more accessible, all thanks to AI’s creative toolkit. AI can conjure up high-quality images, videos, and graphics that look like they’ve been handcrafted by a team of artistic geniuses. This not only saves time and resources but also allows advertisers to maintain a consistent and professional brand image. Additionally, AI can optimize images and videos for different platforms, ensuring that content looks its best on various devices and screen sizes.

However, over-reliance on AI automation can risk losing the unique human touch in creative content. Striking the right balance between AI-driven design and human creativity is crucial to ensure that campaigns remain memorable and authentic.

Predictive Analytics for Campaign Success

Predicting the future has always been a bit of a challenge, but not for AI in advertising. AI algorithms, fueled by historical data, can predict which imagery and content elements can send your campaign soaring to the moon. AI can analyze past ad performance, audience behavior, and market trends to recommend the most effective imagery, ad copy, and even the optimal time to run a campaign. This predictive capability reduces the guesswork involved in advertising and increases the chances of campaign success.

The use of AI could also raise concerns about bias and fairness. If AI algorithms are trained on biased data, they can inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes or discriminate against certain groups. Brands must be vigilant in addressing these biases to ensure their marketing campaigns resonate positively with diverse audiences.

Real-time Image Recognition and Augmentation

AI takes advertising to the next level with real-time image recognition and augmentation, creating engaging, interactive experiences. Imagine browsing a travel website, and with a simple tap, your smartphone’s camera transports you to a picturesque destination. It’s like having a virtual tour guide at your fingertips.

As we explore the captivating possibilities of real-time image recognition and augmentation, we can’t ignore the pressing concerns surrounding security and the potential for cyber threats. AI-generated content could become a target for cyberattacks by leading to potential compromises in user devices and data. Regular security checks and updates are essential to protect both consumers and brands from potential cyber threats.

Precision in Ad Targeting

AI isn’t a mind-reader, but it’s close. By analyzing user data like a detective on the trail, it can pinpoint potential customers who are most likely to engage with your imagery and message. Advertisers can then use this information to target their ads effectively, resulting in higher click-through rates and improved ROI.

Despite AI’s precision in ad targeting, the danger of over-automation and its impact on campaign authenticity should not be underestimated. Finding the right balance between AI-driven automation and human creativity is essential to ensure that campaigns remain effective and resonant with audiences. It’s a bit like having a robot DJ at a party – it can keep the music going, but it might miss the crowd’s vibe or skip the classic tunes.

A/B Testing and Continuous Optimization

A/B testing is a fundamental practice in advertising, allowing marketers to compare different ad variations to determine which one performs better. AI transforms A/B testing, automating the process and offering real-time insights into which images steal the spotlight.

AI algorithms can quickly analyze A/B test results and make recommendations for further optimization. This ensures that your ad campaign is a hit that keeps the audience coming back for more. It’s like having a tireless director backstage, fine-tuning the performance to ensure it’s a blockbuster.

AI imagery in advertising is a powerful ally that enhances our marketing efforts and captivates audiences with its magic. By harnessing the strengths of AI while being mindful of its potential pitfalls, brands can ensure that their advertising campaigns not only shine but also do so ethically, inclusively, and securely.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence.  Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

Dart board with dart in the center

Finding Your Target Audience in Marketing

As fellow business professionals, we are well aware that marketing can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, but fear not – we’ve got your back. One of the most crucial steps on your marketing journey is identifying your target audience. This might sound intimidating, but trust us, it’s the recipe for success!

Key Steps to Finding a Target Audience

Let’s walk through the art of understanding your audience and reveal some awesome methods that will supercharge your marketing game.

Getting to Know Your People with Market Research

Let’s start this journey by dipping our toes into the world of market research. Conducting market research involves talking to your potential customers, digging into industry data, and keeping an eye on your competitors. By doing so, you can uncover the magical insights that will guide your marketing strategy.

Meet Your Ideal Customer 

Imagine creating your own superhero – that’s what building a buyer persona feels like! Your buyer persona is a fictional representation of your dream customer. Dive into their world and learn about their age, location, hobbies, and what keeps them up at night. Creating a buyer persona will help you connect with your audience on a personal level like you’re chatting with a friend.

Be a Data Detective with Analytics and Customer Data

Data may sound dry, but trust us, it’s like a treasure map for marketing success. Put on your detective hat and explore the wonderful world of analytics. Check out how people interact with your website and social media pages. Learning from customer data will reveal the key to your audience’s hearts and make your marketing strategy a home run!

Eavesdrop on Social Media with Social Listening

Tune in to what people are saying about your brand and your competitors on social media. It’s like getting front-row seats to a blockbuster movie. Understanding your audience’s likes, dislikes, and opinions will help you tailor your marketing messages effectively.

Treasure Customer Feedback and Reviews

Your existing customers hold the key to your success and are more than willing to share their thoughts. So, why not ask them directly? Send out surveys or have a heart-to-heart conversation to collect their valuable feedback. By listening to them, you’ll uncover hidden gems of information that will make your brand shine even brighter.

Keep an eye on Your Competitors

Take a peek at what your competitors are up to and learn from their successes and blunders. It’s like taking notes from a mentor. Analyze their target audience, marketing messages, and strategies. You’ll discover secret tactics to outshine your competition and carve your own unique niche.

A/B Testing 

A/B testing is like exploring alternate universes to find the best one for your audience. Test different elements in your marketing campaigns – from emails to ads – and see which ones work best. This exciting journey will surely lead you to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

You’ve now unlocked the secrets of identifying your target audience. Remember, it’s not about trying to be everything to everyone but finding your niche and connecting with them like lifelong friends. By leveraging these key factors, you’ll develop a marketing strategy that’s destined for greatness.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence.  Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

Young businesswoman excited and cheering

Simple Marketing Wins You Can Execute Quickly

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, marketing success relies on agility and the ability to adapt quickly to ever-changing trends and consumer behaviors. While long-term marketing strategies are vital for sustainable growth, various quick wins can have a rapid impact on your business. 

6 Helpful Marketing Wins for Your Benefit

You can implement these quick and effective marketing wins today to help boost your brand, engage your audience, and drive conversions.

Leverage the Power of Social Media 

With billions of active users, social media platforms offer immense marketing opportunities. Identify the platforms that resonate with your target audience and establish a strong presence there. Regularly post engaging content, interact with your followers, and utilize paid advertising to reach a wider audience. Remember to track your social media metrics to identify what resonates with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

Implement Email Marketing Campaigns 

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and drive conversions. Build an email list by offering valuable content or incentives to your website visitors. Segment your list based on demographics or purchase history to deliver personalized and relevant messages. Craft compelling subject lines, use eye-catching visuals, and incorporate clear calls to action to maximize open rates and click-through rates.

Implement Chatbot Assistance 

Chatbots offer round-the-clock customer support, allowing you to provide immediate assistance and gather valuable data. Implement chatbots on your website and social media platforms to answer frequently asked questions, guide visitors through the sales process, and collect customer feedback. Make sure your chatbot is intuitive, user-friendly, and capable of escalating complex queries to human representatives when needed.

Create Engaging Video Content 

Video marketing continues to dominate online platforms, capturing users’ attention like no other medium. Invest in creating high-quality, engaging video content that aligns with your brand. Use videos to showcase your products, educate your audience, or tell compelling stories. Share your videos across your website, social media channels, and email campaigns to increase engagement and foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Offer Limited-Time Promotions 

Creating a sense of urgency is a powerful marketing tactic. Leverage limited-time promotions to drive immediate action from your audience. Whether it’s a flash sale, exclusive discount code, or time-limited offer, communicate the scarcity and value of the promotion to motivate customers to take action. Monitor the results closely to understand which promotions resonate best with your audience and optimize future campaigns accordingly.

Implement Retargeting Campaigns 

Retargeting campaigns can help you reconnect with users who have previously shown interest in your brand but haven’t converted yet. Utilize pixel tracking on your website to collect data on user behavior and create targeted ads tailored to their interests. Serve these ads on various platforms, reminding potential customers of your products or services and encouraging them to return and make a purchase.

These quick wins empower you to achieve expedited marketing success and propel your business forward. Seize these opportunities today and witness the potential positive impact on your brand’s growth and customer engagement!

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence.  Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

Common Digital Marketing Strategy Mistakes

Avoid These Common Digital Marketing Strategy Mistakes

Failing to plan is planning to fail, and digital marketing is no exception to this timeless adage. By thoughtfully researching and planning the best marketing strategies, each step is fine-tuned to launch the most successful competitive edge over your top competitors. 

Failing to identify your target audience, track competitors, develop compelling content, and distribute through key channels are lost opportunities to secure the most success. 

Although it may feel daunting to compile the backend work that needs to be done, it’s highly worthwhile. Watch out for the following common mistakes every digital marketer needs to avoid.

Mistake #1 — Failing to Speak to Your Audience’s Needs and Wants

In order to craft a compelling message that is shareable and memorable, you need to know who you’re speaking to, along with their needs and wants in relation to your business. Consider your ideal buyer and how your service or products solve their problems.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is my primary and secondary target buyer? Why? 
  • How do their demographics support my business goals and align with my mission/values?
  • What are their needs, behaviors, and concerns? How do these connect with what I am offering?
  • How do my products or services help them achieve their goals?
  • How is my ideal customer most likely to hear about my product? What social media channels?

Building a buyer persona will greatly help you make the most of your marketing efforts before executing campaigns.

Mistake #2 — Failing to Map out the Buyer’s Journey

There’s a wonderful book that details the importance as well as the roadmap to planning out your buyer’s journey. Digital marketing that is not implementing a story brand in its efforts is making a huge mistake. 

Every buyer is on a journey and you need to identify the milestones your buyer will likely face when on their way to discovering and remaining loyal to what you offer. This may include certain gatekeepers and motivators through shared challenges and decision-making crossroads. You want your brand to play a strong role in guiding and leading your buyer toward what you know they need and want (see the previous mistake). 

Apply some thought and intention to your buyer journey and you’ll see a dramatic improvement in strategizing and executing successful messaging.

Mistake #3— Not Tracking Your KPIs

Your key performance indicators (KPIs) are a vital element of your overall strategy. When businesses fail to track these, they lose out on the opportunity to capitalize on conversion and sales opportunities. You need to see through responsive data what is working and what is a waste of your time and effort. Put your energy where it’s working by using tracking methods. 

Gather data on the time your customer is spending on the pages you’ve optimized, how cooperative they are with gated offers, etc. Are there any pages with unresponsive buttons or obstacles that would make a potential buyer click away? Outlining and tracking your KPIs is a game changer for anyone serious about leveraging their time and effort.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

Market Strategy

Building a Successful Market Strategy

Successful market strategies are meant to be fluid. While businesses are tempted to continue using what worked well in the past, this fixed way of thinking could leave you in the dust of your more agile competitors. Plateaus in business are drop-traps worth avoiding as you navigate your marketing strategy plans.

When you’re facing a challenge, analyze your approach to marketing. You’ll likely find holes in areas that have changed in the market and require new methods to boost your visibility and profits. 

It’s possible when you enforce a go-to-market strategy.

Building Your Default Market Strategy

When laying the foundation for the success of your business, you need a go-to strategy that takes into account your capabilities and goals. Also, consider where you stand in the market and how you’re best serving your customers with what you offer. 

This foundational strategy plan will lay out a blueprint to follow as you launch and relaunch products and services. Part of the planning process is collecting information on customer experience and areas of improvement.

Putting a Strong Plan in Place

Some basic marketing truths ring true across the board. While you should customize your approach depending on your company’s unique positioning, the following steps provide a strong framework to get you started. 

Step One: Identify Your Main Goals

The main goals that got your business started may not work in your favor to take you where you want to go. Think carefully about the new goals you are setting and how achieving them will support your overall mission. Communicate these goals to your team to have a cohesive sense of direction and purpose in work duties and performance. 

Step Two: Make a Realistic Timeline

Setting up a realistic timeline with intended milestones helps set clear expectations for everyone involved. Before launching your strategy, you need to look ahead at what tasks need to be accomplished and estimate by when you can expect to be ready. 

Step Three: Work through the Process

Delegate the details of the strategy process to those on your team. Make clear definitions of what needs to be done and when including the background work necessary to get started. 

Background aspects may include developing:

  • Customer buyer profiles: interviewing and research
  • Auditing your closest competitors
  • Conducting lead generation best practices (SEO, content creation, etc.)
  • Measurable goals and KPIs

Once you’ve begun your foundational market strategizing, it’s time to execute the work it takes to reach your defined goals. 

Communicate with your team on how sales and marketing are working best in today’s marketplace and where they are heading. Discuss the new workflow process your team will be involved in, and how to guide potential customers through their journey into loyal brand followers.

Launching a successful brand strategy begins by organizing your business to align with your specific goals. The foundational framework outlined is a great way to get the creative juices flowing and start personalizing your marketing efforts.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

Group of people in a conference room attending 4A's Stratfest

Highlights from the Annual 4A’s Stratfest in NYC

As proud members of 4A’s, a prestigious marketing support network, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend this year’s NYC Stratfest. 

4A’s is leading our industry in assisting members to effectively shape culture through creative connection-making. No opportunity is wasted. And as a full-service advertising and marketing agency, we take pride in cultivating our talents. 

Stratfest provided the perfect opportunity for other agencies like ours to gather and diversify our awareness of what’s trending and how best to execute on behalf of the clients we serve.

What is Stratfest?

The focus of Stratfest revolves around ‘strategy’ and what it means as we develop our marketing and communications efforts in an ever-evolving consumer landscape. How brands communicate and connect with their potential clients depends immensely on the strategies executed. This two-day event draws everyone under one roof to showcase and celebrate the strategies proving most effective in marketing, media, and advertising across the world.

It is a time to network and grow as an industry, developing strategies that go beyond boosting sales for our clients to transforming our culture and challenging routine methodology. 

Highlights from 4A’s Stratfest NYC

Here are some of the many highlights from the event:

2022 Jay Chiat Awards

As a 25-year tradition, the 2022 Jay Chiat Awards were held as part of the Stratfest festivities. The awards were broken into gold, silver, and bronze winners for the following categories:

  • Brand Pivot Strategy
  • Connection Strategy
  • CX Strategy
  • Experiential Strategy
  • Global Strategy
  • Healthcare Strategy
  • National Strategy
  • Nonprofit Strategy
  • PR Strategy
  • Production Service Creation Strategy
  • Regional Strategy
  • Sustainability Strategy
  • Grand Prix
  • Most Awarded Agency in 25 years
  • Most Awarded Agency Network in 25 years

The winners of all these categories were widely celebrated and recognized for executing the most effective strategic plans leading to breakthrough results for their clients. Extraordinary ideas and creativity flowed with each agency and individual recognized during the ceremony.  

Exponential Learning Throughout the Event

All throughout the event, it was evident how beneficial it is to pack an audience full of successful visionaries together and share ideas on what’s working in the industry. The hybrid event focused on reinvigorating our talents, creativity, and dreams for what’s possible in advertising and marketing. While focusing our communities with purpose remains vital, brands need relevant authenticity more than ever. Achieving these results was profusely discussed and visually represented throughout Stratfest 2022. 

Overall, our team came away with new vigor and invaluable strategy insights to use for more effective marketing and advertising. In many ways, it felt like a family reunion with other like-minded and purposed individuals. We’re proud to be a member of the successful 4A’s community and to reach the new heights we aspire to as an organization.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you. Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

grand opening

Grand Openings: Mastering Your First Impression

Grand openings are often a long-awaited celebration of the development of a business. Watching your dreams materialize on grand opening day is a memory that will last you a lifetime. It’s rewarding to see your hard work and diligence finally pay off. 

However, as with any first impression, mastering a successful grand opening is key.  Establishing your brand identity in the marketplace is crucial for your ongoing reputation. At these special events, your business is officially gaining attention and drawing in new customers. It’s the perfect opportunity to make a strong impression on your community and competitors alike. 

Grand openings are appealing to potential customers, especially as people are more inclined to get out of the house, find an event to attend, and maybe even choose a new favorite business.

How Grand Openings Set You Up For Success

Grand openings are not only an entertaining way to introduce a new business, but they are a gold mine for marketing initiatives. If used effectively, grand openings are a great tool for promoting the unique qualities that set your business apart from others. 

Investing in an impressive grand opening event may appear daunting, especially when you’re just starting out. However, the benefits are worth it. 

The Benefits of a Successful Grand Opening

Generate Long-Lasting Talk — 

Hosting a grand opening may cause some buzz around your company and the event. Some companies write press releases to announce the opening, using the press as a way to reach their audience and generate great conversations around new products and services. 

Grand openings also create buzz through social media and word-of-mouth communication. For example, there’s nothing more satisfying than potential customers hearing about your new restaurant opening downtown, inviting their friends for a special dinner, and then becoming regulars. 

Media Coverage — 

Events like these are a great way to generate good publicity. Sending out press releases is a way of enticing local newspapers, radio stations, tv stations, and potential customers to spread the word about the big event. This puts your business under a much-needed spotlight and often leads to more customers, more positive press, and all-around company success. 

Connect with New Customers — 

Announcing a grand opening targets customers who are looking for new places to eat, shop, or run other errands. You may also use media coverage and advertising to target those who aren’t necessarily looking for new businesses to frequent but may be open to the idea once they hear about your event.

Creating a welcoming event that introduces the business to the community may end up attracting a lot of new customers. The buzz around a new business even without a grand opening oftentimes is already helpful in the success of the business. However, launching a grand opening may attract even more customers and attention. 

Keep a lively environment to captivate the interest of new customers at an opening. Providing free samples and placing banners or signs outside the establishment prove to be great methods of engaging the public.

Network with Other Businesses –

Grand openings give you the opportunity to introduce your business to other local businesses nearby. The event serves as a way to meet neighboring business owners and cultivate relationships with them. This may be important to the future success of your business. 

For example, these business owners may be able to recommend your business to their own customers. Tap into this resource and you have the potential to gain a long list of new customers, and with luck, loyal ones who will frequent your establishment.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence.  Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

The Phoenix skyline where ON was named one of the best advertising agencies in phoenix

We Did It Again: ON is One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

There’s nothing like being acknowledged for your hard work. ON Advertising is excited to share that we have been named one of the best advertising agencies in Phoenix in 2022. Between our company’s growth and working with many new exciting clients, this is just the icing on the cake. So far we’ve been recognized by two publications, and We’re extremely proud of our team and can’t wait to see what else we achieve this year. You can learn how we were able to obtain these awards below. 

How Did Name Us One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

Expertise’s goal is to connect people with the best local experts. They scored over 254 agencies in Phoenix and broke down the best 35 based on each company’s availability, qualifications, reputation, experience, and professionalism. Based on their scores, this is what ON Advertising got:

  • Online Profile: Good
  • Average Review Score: 4.6/5 (Best)
  • Total Reviews: 11 (Better)
  • Score Consistency: Consistent (Best)

How Did Name Us One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

Digital’s advertising and marketing agency reviews are based on over 40 hours of research on 230+ agencies across the web. Their goal is to help small businesses and startups find the best advertising and marketing agency for their needs. They evaluate agencies based on their service lines, their size, and the industries that they focus on. Based on their research for the Phoenix metro area, ON Advertising is one of two standouts.

ON Advertising is Your Choice for Quality Marketing Services

As one of the top advertising agencies in Phoenix, Arizona, we strive to combine innovation and creative ideas to every assignment. Whether it’s part of our video production services and social media or our PR capabilities and event planning, we’re the go-to for quality servicing. We’re excited to continue this mission and look forward to developing new projects and relationships with our clients. If you’re looking to enhance your marketing efforts this year, contact us and one of our team members will be in touch.
