How we informed a County.
A study revealed that “around 1.1 million Americans have HIV and about 15 percent of people ages 13 and older have HIV and don’t know they have it.” And “in 2016, a total of 27,814 syphilis cases were reported.” During 2015–2016, the national syphilis rate increased by 17.6% to 8.7 cases per 100,000 population, the highest rate reported since 1993.
ON Advertising produced a set of bi-lingual commercials in English and Spanish centered around an individual’s sexual history as well as the effects of STI’s on the human body and an overall message of the importance of getting tested. Even if you don’t suspect you have an STI the message rings true, the risk is not knowing. We created billboards, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and print ads in addition to our TV spots.
The campaign was highly successful in raising awareness and driving traffic to the website. There were 4,850,632 impressions for the 6 month Facebook campaign, with nearly 9,000 link clicks. There were nearly 2 million impressions for the Google and YouTube ad placements that generated thousands of clicks to the website. 300,000 impressions were gained from the New Times print ads. With 10 billboards rotating weekly for 6 months we brought 168,645,391 impressions in specifically targeted areas. The TV spots themselves ran over 104 times and garnered 2 million impressions. Testing went up at the County Department of Health and many lives were saved.