Monthly Archives: YouTube
Video Advertising | YouTube | by clasesdeperiodismo on flickr

When is the Best Time of Day to do Video Advertising?

With millions of websites, YouTube, Facebook and other online video advertising options, the opportunity to present your product or service on the web is limitless. Understanding the relationship between video viewing habits and ad receptivity will maximize your results. By understanding how this relationship works, you can increase revenue opportunities using these insights when engaging in digital ad campaigns.
The research behind this relationship uses a combination of behavioral, contextual and psychographic factors as they all play a role in how consumers view and respond to advertising messaging. Advertisers can improve effectiveness of any digital ad campaign when using consumer insights and adapt publishing practices to optimize ad receptivity and effectiveness.
While evenings are traditionally viewed as optimal due to the volume of video viewership, early morning viewing has a higher level of receptivity to advertising and the willingness to receive a message from a brand. According to a national study, consumers viewing an advertisement early morning (3:00am – 11:59am) are 11% more likely to buy or react positively to your product or service than during the evening hours. This is the highest time frame for purchase intent. Late night/early morning (9:00pm – 2:59am) is the next highest time for purchasing at 5% more likely to buy than any other time of the day except the early morning time slot.
Consumers are more receptive to video advertising on tablets than on smartphones during the morning hours but, this trend is reversed during the evening hours when smartphones become the device of choice.
Like any effective advertising campaign, content is king!  If the content is enjoyable, consumers are four times are more likely to buy your product or service than if they don’t like the content.
Increasing Revenue
By understanding viewership behaviors, ad receptivity and ad performance insights, advertisers can build strategies to better connect with consumers at the time across the right device.  Therefore, advertisers should take advantage of this research and maximize profit opportunities particularly as it relates to placing ads in early morning time slots when digital ad receptivity is highest.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing – Reusing Video Ads in Other Media

One of our clients recently finished a very successful video marketing campaign using YouTube advertising. For this campaign we had created several brand new videos. Like many clients, outside of this campaign, they had not previously done very much to promote their YouTube channel, and did not have immediate plans for doing so going forward. As such, there was a feeling that a bunch of great, successful content was going to sit there without very much attention.

Of course, one way of tackling this problem would be to continue to promote their YouTube channel, which I definitely recommend to anyone reading this blog. While our client may do that too, they were also wisely looking for ways to bring their video marketing content to other media. There are at least 3 good ways to do this can be done.

First, you can put your content on your website. For some websites, maybe it’s appropriate to put one or more videos on your home page. For others, you might consider adding a videos link in your navigation. Alternatively, you can share the videos as blog posts. Lastly, if you’re willing to invest in doing something really cool with your videos, it might make sense to do a deeper website integration. For example, if you’re a restaurant and the videos relate to specific menu items, you could integrate the videos into your online menu.

A second idea is to integrate videos into your email campaigns. Certainly you’ll want to make sure that there’s a match between your email audience’s interest and the videos you’re sharing. You’ll also want to make sure that your video doesn’t distract from other objectives you may have. But if you determine that there is a fit, getting your loyal email audience to view your videos can generate additional demand and deepen loyalty.

A third idea is sharing you video ads on other social media besides the site where it was initially posted. If you created your video on YouTube, share it in Facebook. If you created it in Facebook, post it to YouTube. As appropriate, throw in Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. If you have a little bit of budget, you can amplify the reach of all your cross posting. Depending on the number of videos you create, you can post 1 every month or so and go many months or even years without repeating the same video. Hope that’s helpful. Good luck getting the most out of your video content!

Contact us today to learn how we can help with your video marketing!
