Tag: social media

overhead view of lunch on table at restaurant

Fast Food Service Provider Marketing

Over the years as we’ve grown and worked with clients to build a digital presence, one of the things we’ve heard is how our team provided insight into marketing data, not just the data itself. I use the word “insight” for a reason. Data from marketing channels, for many, is like eating out. Small bites of info may be better for some while others need a full course meal. In the spirit of combining two things I appreciate, food and data-driven marketing, I’ve started leading our team to an approach of providing sit-down service during our discussions with certain clients versus providing a fast food service approach. Got your appetite ready? Let’s go. …

A line of Olympic runners

Olympic Success: A Marketing Team’s Version of Reaching the Podium

It’s been an amazing couple of weeks, watching athletes from around the globe compete at the Olympic Games in Rio. One day, we’ll be able to tell our grandkids we were there to watch (on a tape-delayed basis, of course) such record-breaking feats of athleticism as a kayak capsizing after hitting a sofa in the water, and Ryan Lochte and three other athletes dodging the Zika virus but not being able to avoid being robbed at gunpoint. Oh, and we heard that Michael Phelps won a few more gold medals for swimming.
The team of world-class digital marketing professionals here at On Advertising have a few thoughts about the Games, and how they relate to the services we deliver to our clients. …

Close-up of social media app icons on phone

Using Social Media Support To Boost Engagement

Twitter recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. The social media app has become such a part of the nation’s collective conversation and so ubiquitous (even playing a pivotal role in the 2016 presidential election) it’s difficult to remember a world in which we still communicated in more than 140 characters. Despite its popularity and influence, many companies struggle to find a way to harness the power of Twitter and other social media to promote their brand leadership, cultivate leads and bolster their bottom line.

A video camera capturing media coverage for a business

Tools To Help Your Business Get Media Coverage

In our last blog we told you about a couple of tools to keep your eye on in 2016. Along those lines, we now want to share some tips that could help you grow your business this year. We recently read an article that listed resources available to entrepreneurs for better media coverage. While most were geared toward making it easier for a small business to operate on a day-to-day basis (like Asana and Google Drive), some of them stood out because they promise to help businesses do something that used to be left to experts: obtaining media coverage.
