Monthly Archives: advertising
The Phoenix skyline where ON was named one of the best advertising agencies in phoenix

We Did It Again: ON is One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

There’s nothing like being acknowledged for your hard work. ON Advertising is excited to share that we have been named one of the best advertising agencies in Phoenix in 2022. Between our company’s growth and working with many new exciting clients, this is just the icing on the cake. So far we’ve been recognized by two publications, and We’re extremely proud of our team and can’t wait to see what else we achieve this year. You can learn how we were able to obtain these awards below. 

How Did Name Us One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

Expertise’s goal is to connect people with the best local experts. They scored over 254 agencies in Phoenix and broke down the best 35 based on each company’s availability, qualifications, reputation, experience, and professionalism. Based on their scores, this is what ON Advertising got:

  • Online Profile: Good
  • Average Review Score: 4.6/5 (Best)
  • Total Reviews: 11 (Better)
  • Score Consistency: Consistent (Best)

How Did Name Us One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Phoenix

Digital’s advertising and marketing agency reviews are based on over 40 hours of research on 230+ agencies across the web. Their goal is to help small businesses and startups find the best advertising and marketing agency for their needs. They evaluate agencies based on their service lines, their size, and the industries that they focus on. Based on their research for the Phoenix metro area, ON Advertising is one of two standouts.

ON Advertising is Your Choice for Quality Marketing Services

As one of the top advertising agencies in Phoenix, Arizona, we strive to combine innovation and creative ideas to every assignment. Whether it’s part of our video production services and social media or our PR capabilities and event planning, we’re the go-to for quality servicing. We’re excited to continue this mission and look forward to developing new projects and relationships with our clients. If you’re looking to enhance your marketing efforts this year, contact us and one of our team members will be in touch.

ON Advertising and Peddler's Son delivering food for the canned food drive

ON Advertising Is Proud to Give Back With a Canned Food Drive

The past year has been challenging for many people across the State of Arizona. In the spirit of the holidays, ON Advertising felt it was necessary to give back to the community that needs it most. So, in partnership with Peddler’s Son, we launched a canned food drive to benefit the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix. Read our article below to learn more about our canned food initiative. 

Arizona is Hungry and Needs Help

According to the Harvest Compassion Center website, 1 in 4 Arizona children and 1 in 5 adults are hungry. Arizona ranks 13th worst in the country in food hardship, with 19.2% of Arizonians not having enough money to provide food for their family throughout the year. The national food hardship rate is 17.2%.

That’s not even accounting for the hardships people have struggled with during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we were fortunate enough to have had a successful year, we knew many others haven’t, so we decided to give back.

In Partnership with Peddler’s Son, We Started a Canned Food Drive

Both companies launched a food drive to help support the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix and its mission in feeding families in need. Nobody should go hungry, especially around the holidays, so our team and clients brought in nonperishable food and supplies to help keep people fed. 

Bechét Proto, an ON Advertising Account Executive and lead on this project states, “It’s such a joy to be able to collaborate with our teams in an effort that helps benefit others. In the spirit of the giving season, it’s important to acknowledge the successes we’ve had, and to be able to pay it forward is both rewarding and meaningful. When we donated food to Harvest Compassion Center, there was a line out the door. To see who we are helping makes a small project like this feel like a big difference in the community.” 

What Did We Accomplish With Our Canned Food Drive?

We are happy to share that between both ON Advertising and Peddler’s Son, the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix received over 100 pounds of food and supplies. We’re extremely proud of our team and clients for stepping up this year to give back to our community.

Bechét describes the excitement of reaching our goal, “Peddler’s Son has a lot of experience in giving back to the community, and it was inspiring to us to be able to jump in and help. Even with our small team, we ended up filling all of our boxes to meet our goal. If you are willing and able to give back, I highly recommend it because it brings people together and shines light amongst any negativity that might be going on.” 

If you’d like to get involved with the Harvest Compassion Center, visit their website and reach out so you can play a part in making a difference

Looking For Help Boosting Your Marketing Activity in 2022? ON Advertising is Here.

For more than 25 years, ON Advertising has been one of Phoenix, Arizona’s premier marketing firms. Our agency is composed of a variety of professionals ranging from marketing strategists and account executives to creative video producers and graphic designers. We’re the source for marketing solutions that bring you an increase in ROI. Contact us today and learn how our team can help elevate your business. 

A man writing Grand Opening on a chalkboard outside of the retail space

5 Grand Opening Ideas That Put Retailers in the Spotlight

Opening a business is one of the most exhilarating, yet nerve-wracking, experiences for any business owner. You repeatedly ask yourself, how are you going to attract customers to your business and how are you going to retain them? Well, one way you can achieve this is by introducing your target market to your business with a grand opening event. But, what exactly does that entail?

ON Advertising is one of Arizona’s top full-service marketing agencies whose services range from advertising and digital marketing to public relations and video production. We handle almost every aspect of your marketing strategy to ensure your business is front and center of your target audience. Our event planning team has helped hundreds of businesses turn grand opening ideas into reality. Read our blog post below to learn about some ideas that will help put your retail store on the map. 

Offer a Pop-Up Experience

One way you can attract attention towards your business is to offer a nearby pop-up experience for your grand opening. Consider planning something special to get your name out there. You may even use brand ambassadors to hand out flyers to your target audience in a place where they frequent. Seeing and taking part in an experience in-person offers a better chance for people to recall your business when they require your products.

Hand Out Some Swag at Your Grand Opening

Surely, you have one or two shirts hanging in the closet from a business trying to get their name out there. You probably have more branded pencils than you can even count. Offering swag to prospective customers is an excellent way to entice people to check out your store because who doesn’t like free stuff? People are attracted to it like a magnet. Moreover, they will have an easier time remembering your business as they use your pencils, comb through their closet, or use your tote bag for groceries.

Get Neighboring Businesses Involved in Your Grand Opening

Another way you can attract customers to your store is by getting nearby businesses involved in your opening festivities. You can invite them to come to your event and offer extra discounts and incentives for visiting. For example, perhaps the employees of another business can get 10% off their first purchase if they shop with you. Additionally, building a strong bond with neighboring businesses can help lead to strong marketing opportunities to push your business even further.

Promote Your Grand Opening on Social Media

Let’s face it, everyone is on social media. This means your business needs a presence there too. Creating an event page or posting on social media about your event is a great way to attract customers to your website and grand opening event. It’s a relatively easy thing to do, with lots of potential for attracting your target audience. Users who respond to your event page can even help you determine how many people you might expect at your event.

Incorporate Live Music on Your Big Day

People are attracted to music, and booking a band to perform at your grand opening event can be a great way to increase awareness. It also creates great background noise and gives attendees something to watch as they take a break from shopping. Not to mention it’s much like your partnership with neighboring businesses, where you both promote one another to increase your brand exposure. 

ON Advertising Can Help You Hold ANY Event

Our team has been involved in just about every type of event imaginable. We’ve assisted in small networking events to large grand opening celebrations. We develop strategies and concepts from scratch to ensure your event runs smoothly and your goals are met. Contact us today and learn how our event planning team can assist in your events. 

Square blocks lined up to read different aspects what makes up brands with personality

3 Considerations for Creating Strong Brands with Personality

Whether you’re stressfully engaging in a job interview or charming your way through a first date; first impressions are important. That same mentality is no different for companies looking to create brands with personality. It’s absolutely critical to developing a brand personality that resonates and attracts consumers to your business. But, what are some ways this can be achieved?

As one of the top ad agencies in Arizona, ON Advertising is the go-to for quality services that put your business front and center of your competition. When you work with us, you’re not just receiving our creative minds and collective experience, you’re gaining a valuable partnership to increase ROI. Read our article below to learn what goes into creating successful brands with personality.

Brands with Personality: What is it?

Brand personality is an important component for every business as it essentially encompasses the human characteristics tied to your brand. There are few questions you need to ask yourself when developing your brand tone of voice. 

  • How would your brand be perceived?
  • What age group are you trying to target?
  • What is their social class?
  • How does your brand act when compared to your competitors?

What is Your Brand’s Personality Type?

Jennifer Aaker, a researcher at Stanford, created a paper that breaks down the 5 frameworks of a brand personality. These include:

  • Sincerity: Down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, cheerful
  • Excitement: Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date
  • Competence: Reliable, intelligent, successful, hardworking 
  • Sophistication: Upper class, charming, glamorous, feminine 
  • Ruggedness: Outdoorsy, tough, masculine, western

You’ll want to pick 3-5 personality traits you want to be perceived when people think of your brand. The simple framework can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and give you a clear direction on how to create brands with personality. 

Creating Brands with Personality with Strong Messaging

Now that you’ve identified the personality type you’re trying to go for, it’s time to develop your messaging. Whether it be on your website, social media, advertising, etc., everything revolves around your messaging. Additionally, your messaging should complement your visual components. This may include:

  • What fonts you are using
  • Your logo
  • The images and videos you’re using  

Copywriting also plays a significant role in your messaging. To convey what you’re all about, you need to articulate it through website copy, ads, videos, social media graphics/captions, etc. Copywriting is what drives home brands with personality by informing and exciting target audiences about one’s brand.

Frankie Calandra, ON Advertising’s copywriter, explains, “your messaging is the lifeblood of your brand. It’s meant to highlight what you are all about and why the customer should care about you. We’re all attracted to different personalities, so it’s important to develop one for your brand to attract your audience.” He explains further, “whenever I work on website copy or an ad piece I brainstorm ways to make the client stand out. I look at what they’ve done previously, where they’d like to take their brand, and what resonates with their audience. Also, I look at what their competitors are doing. Once I’ve identified them, I jump into brainstorming mode and craft messaging unique to them.”

Successful Brands with Personality are Consistent

As previously mentioned, everything revolves around your messaging. From social media and email marketing to your website and advertising spots, your personality should be consistent across all platforms. Think about how disjointed it would be if you came off as glamorous and sophisticated on your website, while your social media is heavily masculine and tough. It just wouldn’t click and your audience would take notice.

Stay the course, stay consistent with your personality across all your marketing efforts. If your branding isn’t resonating with your target audience, it’s okay to reevaluate what your brand’s personality should be. That is why we encourage A/B testing to see what is working to develop a better course of action.

ON Advertising Creates Brands with Personality

As one of the best creative agencies in Phoenix, ON Advertising are experts in developing successful brands. Our strategic approach will expand your company’s personality and help determine the image you wish to portray to the public. ON’s team of thinkers, creatives, and observers synergize their talents to develop a brand that works for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine.

A Copywriter brainstorming ideas for a piece of advertising

What Does a Copywriter Do and Why Do You Need One?

Go to anyone in the advertising world and they’ll tell you content is king. Look at all of the great advertisements in history, each has a unique way of connecting to the public and they transcend the idea of a “simple ad”. Instead, they become a part of a culture, even if it’s for a few days or years. A large part of its unicity is the role of the copywriter and the creative, persuasive wordplay they bring to all mediums of advertising. While it’s not entirely different from what you probably saw from Peggy Olson and Don Draper in Mad Men, the writer’s role has evolved quite a lot in the past 50 years.

At ON Advertising, we appreciate good creative. We strive to develop incredible ads that create a response with our clients’ target audience. Our creative staff is comprised of a team of video production professionals, graphic designers, and a copywriter; who specialize in making your brand stand out with memorable advertising.  Read our blog post below to learn more about what the copywriter does in an ad agency and why it is important for one’s branding. 

What is a Copywriter?

Before we get into what a copywriter does, let’s talk about what a copywriter exactly is. They’re the wordsmiths of the advertising world that turn simple messaging into exciting branding exclamations. They encourage people to act in some way with their toolbox of adjectives, verbs, and buzzwords that resonate with consumers. Additionally, they’re an important part of the creative brainstorming process by sharing ideas for video scripts, content direction, and the overall feel of a piece of advertising.

What Does a Copywriter Do?

Research… Lots and Lots of Research

For many writers, each project begins with a brief and a strenuous research process. Once the copywriter understands what the client or manager is looking for, they go deep into research.

Frankie Calandra, ON Advertising’s in-house copywriter, explains his research process, “Typically when I get a project I start with extensive research on the client and what their competitors are doing.” He continues, “then I brainstorm ways to make the client stand out from their competitors by using verbiage that might connect with their target audience.”

it’s also not uncommon for writers to use keyword research to guide them when developing website content, i.e. websites and blog posts. 

Of Course, a Copywriter is Going to Write

As you’d expect, writing is the main responsibility of the copywriter. They work in a variety of areas by brainstorming and creating engaging prose that enlists a response. Some of the most common types of copy they write include:

  • Webpages
  • Blog posts
  • Landing pages
  • Printed, radio, and video ads
  • Email marketing
  • Brand taglines
  • Product descriptions
  • And many more

Additionally, many copywriters must follow specific guidelines every time they produce copy. For example, when it comes to digital writing they must incorporate keywords into the website content and blog posts for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes

The Copywriter Collaborates with All Members of the Agency

Of course, the copywriter works very closely with other members of the creative team. It’s not uncommon for them to share ideas with the graphic designer working on the project, or go to the creative director for some guidance on a piece. Also, writers collaborate with the video production team to develop the direction of a video spot. 

While the writer may be a full-fledged member of the creative team, they work closely with all members of an ad agency. For example, they work with the accounts team quite often to better understand what the client is looking for in a project. Also, they collaborate with the social media team to ensure the brand tone of voice aligns with what is established for the client. 

Create Inspired Taglines and Engaging Content

Copywriters spend an extraordinary amount of time researching and writing headlines and content for blog posts, sales pages, website copy, and brochures. It’s fairly typical for writers to run tagline ideas to other writers, marketers, and clients to gauge how well they may be received. Depending on the feedback, they’ll refine the taglines to make them truly stand out. 

They also create content that engages the audience. One way our copywriter measures copy performance is by looking at our clients’ Google Analytics report. He explains, “there are three things that I look at after publishing a blog post or launching a website: specific page views, average time on the page, and where it ranks on the website’s popular pages.” 

This information gives Frankie and other writers an idea of how engaging the copy is for the user. As well as how enticing the headline is in attracting users to the website. So, you better believe Frankie will be spying on this blog post’s Google Analytics report to see how it performs!

Good Copy That Reflects Your Brand Image

A good advertisement is not just about colorful designs and attractive product placements. Incorporating copy into the mix, or at least considering it, is an absolute must. 

Good copy is what connects people to a brand by playing to their interests and personality. It creates a strong brand tone of voice that consumers resonate with and one they come back to ensure their favorite brands are still one of their own. It projects an image of what a company is all about and sells it to the consumer with captivating writing. 

One brand ON Advertising is particularly proud to establish its brand tone of voice is JRI Hospitality’s The Original Grande

Frankie explains his approach to developing the tone for The Original Grande, “After a lot of research and brainstorming, I geared the brand tone of voice towards a more laid-back, fun attitude to promote a more casual environment. While the restaurant chain isn’t open yet, I can’t wait to see how people react to the work we’re doing for The Original Grande.”

Make Your Brand Stand Out With ON Advertising’s Creative Services

For more than 25 years, ON Advertising has been one of Phoenix, Arizona’s premier marketing firms. Our agency is composed of a variety of professionals ranging from marketing strategists and account executives to creative video producers and graphic designers. We’re the source for marketing solutions that bring you an increase in ROI. Contact us today and learn how our team can help elevate your business today. 

A title picture that says marketing strategy

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing Strategy: Which One is Better?

For the last decade, the debate between traditional and digital marketing strategy has been a question on many marketing professionals’ minds. On the one hand, technology is evolving, and consumers continue to be engaged online. But, on the other hand, some audiences are more impacted by traditional marketing methods. Both have their advantages and can build brand awareness of your company and product. As one of the top advertising agencies in Arizona, we have first-hand experience in both methods. Learn why each method is important below. 

Investing in a Digital Marketing

This form of marketing is, as you’d expect, entirely digital. It’s a strategy that involves anything online, such as social media, online ads, email marketing, Pay-Per-Click advertising, and website optimization. As consumers become more reliant on digital, there are more opportunities open for marketing. 

Some form of digital marketing is essential for businesses today. It’s become routine for consumers to research and buy products online. For example, when someone is interested in trying a new Italian restaurant, they will typically Google: “Italian restaurants near me.” In doing so, you’ll see ads of Italian eateries and strategically ranked websites

Digital marketing allows for a truly personalized marketing experience by targeting specific audiences in cost-effective, measurable ways. By partnering with a digital agency, you can expect a marketing strategy that will resonate with your target market for a fraction of the cost of a traditional campaign. 

Investing in a Traditional Marketing Strategy

Traditional marketing refers to any type of marketing that isn’t digital. It consists of a range of mediums including, television, print, radio, direct mail, and billboards. It’s one of the oldest forms of marketing, making it one of the most researched. Traditional may seem antiquated in the fast moving digital age, but it doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

People still rely on traditional media for information. According to 99 Designs, the experience of an impactful TV commercial or a clever array of words on an ad in a magazine has a lasting effect on a person’s memory. The familiarity of traditional methods of promotion makes it much easier for many consumers to understand. Studies have shown that hard copy marketing is easier for audiences to process and recall. 

Furthermore, by implementing a traditional marketing strategy your message has a great chance of reaching local consumers. Mediums such as radio and television make it easy to communicate your message on time. While digital strategies may be able to get your message across globally, traditional advertising can resonate locally. 

Which Marketing Strategy Should You Use

When it comes to choosing a superior marketing strategy, we believe there is no right answer. Both methods provide many benefits that businesses can use to reach their target audience. A great marketing campaign should find the right balance between traditional and digital. TV commercials and print ads are often repurposed for social media and online ads to help consumers recall the message. By combining both methods into one strategy, the campaign has a greater chance of success.

Benefit From Our Marketing Strategy Expertise

For over 25 years, innovation and creativity have been the core of ON Advertising’s marketing strategies. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, we work closely with each client to ensure their brand and message reaches the right audience at the right time. Contact us today and let us know what you are looking for in your marketing strategy. 

The mock up for the Creighton University building in front of park central phoenix

Client Spotlight: Creighton University

Located in Omaha, Nebraska, Creighton University has established itself as one of the nation’s top-ranked educational institutions, combining its Jesuit philosophy with a diverse educational curriculum. For more than 100 years, the university has prioritized the education of its students while remaining true to its Catholic values and traditions. 

When ON Advertising acquired Evans Communications in April 2020, we continued our ongoing partnership with Creighton University. We’ve worked diligently to raise awareness of the university’s work in Arizona as their local public relations firm and now serve as the university’s ad agency in the Phoenix market. 

What We Do For Creighton University

Since 2017, we’ve partnered with Creighton University on several initiatives and assisted the Creighton team in reaching their goals in the Phoenix market. 

Our extensive scope of services for their team includes:

Arizona is currently facing a shortage of healthcare professionals, and Creighton’s expansion of its medical and nursing programs is one of the largest investments in healthcare education in Arizona in recent years. Creighton is no stranger to Arizona — the university has been educating doctors and nurses in Phoenix for more than a decade. With the opening of the new $100 million Creighton University Health Sciences Campus next year, there’s an opportunity for Creighton to expand its impact even further. 

That is where ON Advertising comes in. As their advertising agency, we assist them in their branding efforts to further establish their presence in Arizona and provide interested students with information about their curriculum and their future campus site.

What Has Happened

Creighton University has accomplished a great deal over the years to secure its place in the Phoenix, Arizona community. In 2018, the university announced plans for a $100 million Creighton University Health Services Campus at Park Central, with the groundbreaking in 2019 attracting significant media attention. Our public relations efforts have helped boost awareness of its medical and nursing programs locally and its partnership with Arizona State University. And as Creighton’s local advertising agency, it is our goal to further increase awareness and student recruitment for the university as it opens the campus in Spring 2021. 

What’s Ahead for Creighton University

Our work never stops. As we get closer to the grand opening of Creighton’s Health Services Campus, we are continually evaluating the next steps for our client. The campus will attract students and educators who are willing to answer Arizona’s healthcare professional shortage, and we’ll have the strategies to help Creighton University appeal to them.

Partner With ON Advertising

As one of Arizona’s top advertising agencies, we are committed to the success of our clients and their goals and work meticulously to provide them with services that will boost their brand forward. Our talented, enthusiastic team brings a diverse set of skills, insight, and creativity to every project we work on. Contact us today to elevate your brand further.

The ON Advertising team working at their desks inside the ad agency office

What It’s Like To Work At An Ad Agency

If you’ve ever seen Mad Men, you might have wondered to yourself, “Is that what it’s like to work at an ad agency?”. As an Account Coordinator, I can tell you it’s not all whiskey and parties (as much as we wish it were). Instead, the ON Advertising team focuses on creative strategies to grow our clients’ marketing and sales goals. To do so, the agency has designed its infrastructure and culture to support client goals and our employees’ professional growth.

A Close-Knit Phoenix Ad Agency

If you walk into our office, you will notice that our Account Services team are all located in the “bullpen”. The bullpen is an open floor plan with each desk in close proximity to each other, although positioned at least six feet apart.  Not only does this create room for comfortable furniture and amenities, but it also allows us to engage with one another. Since my first day as an Account Coordinator, I’ve noticed how as an ad agency, it’s important to work together as a team rather than working in a silo. Over time, professional bonds are developed thanks to the bullpen design. Furthermore, it provides the Account Services team a chance to collaborate and share ideas on projects. 

Most of the best ad agencies have creative departments. Our creative team members have their own offices for privacy, however, open doors are common to encourage continued communication. 

What is Team Building and What Does It Look Like for an Ad Agency?

Studies have shown that having fun is beneficial for company culture and employee productivity. It motivates an ad agency team to do their best work when the company offers them time where they can relax and have fun. In other words, when a team feels the best, their clients get the best.

At ON Advertising, we work to promote a healthy work environment and look forward to our quarterly team outings. In the past, we’ve attended several baseball games, enjoyed an escape room, and swung our clubs at TopGolf. Even though the country is in the middle of a health crisis, we still took the time to play board games in our office. 

Professional Development 

Advertising is an extremely competitive, constantly evolving industry that leverages its resources and talents to meet its client’s needs. The sole purpose of partnering with an advertising agency is for us to act as the middleman to ensure your brand resonates with your target audience. According to HubSpot, it’s not uncommon for advertising agencies to create mentorship opportunities, cross-train their employees, and create a standard onboarding process.

To assure we are providing our clients with the best services, we’ve integrated many professional development aspects into our ad agency. Phoenix Business Journal reports that professional development is key to a company’s success. It allows employees to grow as professionals, and their expertise will show in the work they do for their clients. When I started as the Account Coordinator, I was shown how to write an SEO-friendly blog post, how to write social media posts, and how to conduct keyword research.

Recently, we attended the Digital Summit at Home, where we’ve gained a greater understanding of new digital strategies that we can provide to our clients. We even gained more resources that we’re excited to integrate into our client’s online strategies. As I write this blog post, I am brainstorming ideas with one of the Account Executives on how we can use this newfound information with our clients. Furthermore, I’ve personally undertaken my own training to become proficient in all things Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro so I can make more stylish social media and video blog posts.

Make ON Advertising YOUR Phoenix Advertising Agency

All of this leads to an efficient agency. I may be biased, but I believe ON Advertising is one of the best ad agencies to work for.  For over 25 years, we have provided creative ideas and expert understanding of our clients’ marketing and advertising efforts. We understand how people think, behave, and make decisions that impact their businesses. Contact us to speak with one of our experts to begin your marketing journey.

Service Spotlight: Email Marketing

At ON Advertising, we recognize the power of digital media in marketing today. And our mission is to help you control the conversation around your business. How? By turning general prospects into highly-qualified sales leads and actually measuring the return on your investment through email marketing. 

To do this, we work to make our expert email marketing services work for you. Within our extensive services, we specialize in email marketing, which is another tactic that makes up a much wider marketing strategy. The goal is to move prospects through the sales funnel and truly deliver the right message, to the right audience, at the right time.

Here’s how we apply our knowledge of email marketing for the maximum effect on your messaging.

Email Marketing

Our email marketing services scope of work includes copywriting, list building, email campaign setup and deployment, email automation, custom integrations, programming, and a whole lot more. But each component we incorporate is just as important as the last. Because it’s all about crafting a conversation that turns prospects into an actual lead in terms of sales.

Full Service Campaign Management:

According to Statista, roughly 294 billion emails were sent in 2019; and they predict that up to 306.4 billion will be sent in 2020. This oversaturation of emails in inboxes means one thing: you have to stand out from the rest. From campaign strategy creation to execution, ON Advertising performs the full service campaign management that a successful email marketing campaign deserves.

Strategic Planning and Assessment:

The most important part of email marketing is getting users to actually open them, read them, and further: take action on your eblast. At ON Advertising, this starts with determining what exactly is the goal of the email we’re creating. From there, we can further define our audience and how we can best appeal to them. This includes everything from the design of the email itself, all the way to the copywriting that leads them to your call to action.

Building Email Marketing Databases:

In order to have a strong email marketing campaign, it needs to stand the test of time. Because things move fast and we have to adapt, you must build a database of visitors. And those visitors need to keep coming back. By gathering an audience of users that want to receive your updates, you can create a list of loyal followers – something often thought of as reserved only for social media platforms. Our team grows our lists organically, utilizing strong calls to action that are personalized for our clients. This helps to get them to subscribe to campaigns to develop these vital lists.

Email Design and Template Production:

Coming up with ideas that spark interest and employing creativity that demands attention is what we do. And the best strategies are ones that blend design and copy for the strongest presentation of information possible! Our strategy for creating enticing, eye-catching emails is having an attention grabbing subject, graphics, and concise yet informative text. We can also customize the template and further personalize it by inserting individuals’ names.

Email Message Writing:

Once we create a beautiful template to grab the attention of your subscribers, we integrate text that explains why users should stay, and what they’re there for. And that includes creating an intriguing subject line, down to a clear call to action. Our experience has shown us that simple copy with a salesy undertone works best at keeping the attention of readers, ultimately leading to a sales lead.

Email Deployment and Management:

Nothing can hinder the potential of an email marketing campaign like having a professional email service. Some email platforms are recognizable by spam filters, which can cause campaigns to lose reach potential. Having a platform that negates spam filters will result in higher open and clicks. At ON Advertising, we use iContact, which offers scheduling, deployment, gathering click data, A/B testing, creating well-timed message sending, and email filters for increased open rates.

Email List Maintenance:

Over time, the activeness of users within email lists changes. Subscribers may change emails or simply stop opening them, leading to inactive followers on your list. By performing email list maintenance, like checking for dead emails, adding new emails to the list, and avoiding spam filters, we maintain an accurate picture of your audience represented by data.

Triggered Email Campaigns:

Triggered campaigns are a way of sending emails based on their interactions. For example, if an individual opens a welcome email after subscribing and interacts with a link within, that can then trigger them to receive a follow-up email about that subject. And it can even be sent at a specific time, targeting the right message to the right audience. At ON, we utilize this to further differentiate what audiences are interested in, and to enhance the email marketing campaigns.

Drip Campaigns:

Also known as an autoresponder, according to HubSpot, drip campaigns are an email series automatically sent to a visitor’s inbox after being triggered by an event. This is essentially subscribing them to your emails once they’ve completed an action on your website page. And this could include actions like downloading a resource or purposefully subscribing to your newsletter. Unlike Triggered Email Campaigns, messages have a set course of timing and arrival. Interestingly enough, most marketers are now evolving beyond drip campaigns and pivoting to trigger-based campaigns. Why? Trigger campaigns are more customized or completely personalized based on the target user’s behavior.

At ON Advertising, we set drip campaigns apart by having informative yet concise information, retaining the right target audience, and having appropriate call to actions to a landing page on the website. We can also create custom graphics and video to enhance visibility and capture subscribers attention.

ON Advertising

We are committed to the success of our clients and bring decades of experience in full service advertising to our partnerships. We work to create focused, customized plans to meet the individual needs of each client, helping you to unlock the potential of your brand. Contact us to speak with our marketing experts and start building new business with the ON Advertising team.
