Monthly Archives: advertising
The ON team staring at a bunch of emojis

How Emojis Help Consumer Engagements

We love using emojis! With more than 2 billion smartphone users all over the world, 6 billion emotes are sent in text messages every single day. They have not only redefined how we communicate with each other, but they are also proving to have a tremendous impact on the marketing and advertising industry.

For Social Media

When we use emojis in our social media posts, we notice more engagement. They are powerful tools that help our marketing messages stick with our audience. For example, studies show that they are used in a tweet, engagement increases by 25.4%. If they are used in a Facebook post, the number of likes increase by 57% and the number of comments and shares rise by 33%.

For Email Marketing

For Chompie’s, we noticed that email campaigns that include emojis in the subject line are more successful than those that do not. Studies show that if a business chooses to include emojis in their email subject lines, open rate increases by 56%, unique opens increase by 3.29%, unique clicks increase by 6.28%, and click-through rate increases by 18.93%.

For Brand Voice

When trying to differentiate your brand from the competition, it can be somewhat challenging to find your unique brand voice. Emojis add personality to text and can make a message appear as more friendly and relatable, thus resonating with more consumers. When using them, we can add emotions to a message, ultimately distinguishing our brand voice from others.
No matter what your marketing strategy, emojis can be beneficial for generating excellent results. Here at ON Advertising, we use emojis in our clients’ social media posts as well as email marketing campaigns to increase consumer engagement. We also frequently use them in our daily communication among our team members. We all have our favorites (see photo).
For more information on how we can help you reach your marketing goals, please contact us here.

Looking Back ON Our Growth as an Agency

Founded in 1993, ON Advertising is a marketing and advertising agency with innovation and big creative ideas at its core. With years of history behind us, it’s important to reflect on the growth and achievements we have gone through as an agency.
Our founders, Ron Meritt, and John Hernandez, have years of experience in the media industry, so most of the services we originally offered revolved around media and public relations. We have managed to expand our services to become a full-service advertising and marketing agency.
This past year, we merged with EFG Creative, a creative team based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This merger gave us our Chief Creative Officer and agency co-owner, Eric Garcia, as well as a creative team that enhances our digital marketing, advertising, video production, and web design services.
Our firm has grown over 45% the last year, and our work speaks for itself. We have received multiple accolades, including Addy Awards, Telly Awards, Macrom Awards, and Hermes Creative Awards. Not only do we have award-winning work, but we understand how certain strategies can be applied here in the Valley.
Here at ON Advertising, we understand that our history plays a big part in who we are. Growing at such a rate is both exciting and humbling. We are eager to accomplish even more in the next few years.
If you are interested in learning more about how our team can support your marketing and advertising goals, contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

A close up shot with a Yandy model

We’re Bringing Sexy Back to Advertising With Yandy

It’s not every day that you get to work on a spooky lingerie campaign, but last month that is exactly what our team at ON Advertising had the privilege of doing. When, an Arizona based online retailer of lingerie, Halloween costumes, and women’s apparel, contacted us for creative execution of 3 videos that were 15 seconds each, we could not resist the opportunity to be a part of something unique and challenging. With the month of October being Yandy’s busiest time of year, we only had 3 weeks to turn the project around in time for an October 1st launch date, so our team banded together to bring this project to fruition for our client. How did we get it done? Keep reading to find out!
On your mark, get set…
When advertising for a brand like Yandy, it isn’t enough to simply create something visually stunning, it has to resonate with the right buyer persona. In careful collaboration with our client, we identified what messaging, tone, and look would attract Yandy’s audience. Once the concepts were selected based on strategy, ON Ad’s Chief Creative Officer meticulously sketched out each frame for the 3 concepts in order to visually articulate how the final product should look on screen. Check out the storyboards here.
Meanwhile, the client services department worked with local talent agencies to secure models and actors for the spot. In partnership with Sneaky Big, we were able to lock down a highly sophisticated production studio to execute the videos.
While Sneaky Big and the creative team at ON purchased and built the props for the shoot, hair and makeup teams were assembled and briefed with specific production books so they could understand the exact “hauntingly sexy” appearance that each of the models needed to portray on camera.
15 seconds per video might seem like no time at all, but that actually translates to 10 hours of shooting. Starting in the wee hours of the morning and finishing at night, our team worked in coordination with Yandy and Sneaky Big to film the three videos in a single day. There are obviously countless horror stories of shoot days gone wrong for other companies, but not with ON Advertising. Our Chief Creative Officer and the Director of Brand Marketing at Yandy were in lockstep on each aspect of the shoot. They never missed a beat and strengthened the production with each scene that was shot. This is the nature of a creative relationship based on trust and is something that we strive for with each client, no matter their industry. Check out some photos from the set.
Finishing Touches
Productions live or die on the editing room floor, which is why we were thrilled to work in close coordination with the Sneaky Big team as they methodically and quickly edited each of these concepts in the span of just 5 days. The ON creative team worked tirelessly on superimposed graphics that would add additional thematic elements to each of the 3 concepts and enhance the spine-chilling yet sensual tone of the videos.
After hours of hard work, the three videos were finalized and showcased at a Yandy flashmob event in New York City. Check out photos here. The videos are currently circulating across Yandy’s digital platform and have already garnered 74,049 views online.
The Recipe for Success
When agencies are enticed by a new project, it can be a trick or treat situation. Without the right relationship, planning, and execution – everything can go bust in a hurry. But when an agency and its client collaborate, trust, and have a shared vision for success then anything is possible. We are proud of the work we did for our client and hope you enjoy it as well. Watch the final videos here: Dark Angel, Carve My Heart, Pharaoh Unwrapped.
For more information on how we can help you with your next video production, contact us here. And for examples of other work we have done, give our portfolio a look.

Why Should You Engage in Facebook Live

Have you ever wondered if there is more you could be doing for your brand on Facebook? Are the photos and graphics you’re posting not getting the engagement you had hoped they would get? Have you ever thought about using Facebook Live? It’s an excellent tool for your company to help grab an audience’s attention and engage them in your brand on Facebook.
In fact, Facebook Live can provide viewers with unique content that cannot be easily shown in a photo or graphic. Much like your planned social media strategy, it is important you plan out exactly what you are wanting to feature and the dialogue, so you are always providing quality content. Not sure where to start? Read more below to get started!

Address Questions

There may be a blog out there that has your audience wanting to know more, or maybe you have been getting repeated questions from customers. Facebook Live is a great place to answer these questions because nowadays, consumers rarely read a long paragraph of text. Answering questions in a live event can be more intriguing for your audience and an easier way to address questions in depth.

Show an Inside Look

Many consumers only see what is on the outside of your business; they see what is publicly available but not inside the operations. Give them a behind the scenes look on some of the more exciting activities you have going on. Whether it’s the back kitchen, behind the scenes of a photo shoot, or a work outing, consumers will see a different side to your company. This can make them feel more connected to your business, giving them even more reason to stay engaged in you and what you are selling.


Using Facebook Live is a great way to make viewers think they are getting an “exclusive” look into a new product or event. When companies showcase new products on Facebook Live, their audience may feel as though they are getting a unique advantage to the brand. It’s a cost-effective way to show a revealing of a product to more viewers.
Facebook Live can make people feel connected to your brand and can give your audience a different viewpoint on your company as a whole. Here at ON Advertising, we utilize Facebook Live for many of our clients, and we have seen positive results and received positive feedback. If you would like to learn more about how your business could be using Facebook Live to improve your brand and improve your social media strategy, give us a call!

This Is How ON Markets to a Niche Market

As you may know, marketing for a niche product or company can present many challenges. There may not be much advice when searching the internet for marketing your specific product because your audience is very narrow. However, there are certain steps for all niche products that can be taken when looking for marketing advice. Here are a couple things to take into consideration when marketing a niche product:

Research Your Audience in Depth

This may seem obvious but it is sometimes overlooked. Because niche markets have a smaller audience, it’s harder to figure out the ideal consumer and the direction your brand should take. It is crucial that extensive research is done to figure out the exact target market and details pertaining to them.
Extensive research should be done to uncover small details such as geographic location, income, age, etc. It might be helpful to develop a few consumer persona’s so that you can view your product from the perspective of your ideal customer.

Be Specific Within Your NicheMarketing

Base your marketing off of the in-depth research of your consumers. What are your consumers doing everyday? Where do they hang out? Are they surfing the internet in specific places? Look very specifically into where your potential audience will be exposed to your product.

Pick Accurate Advertising Platforms

Different types of consumers respond more to varying types of advertising depending on their lifestyle. For example, when targeting an older demographic, investing a lot of money in an Instagram page and ads may not be the best use of the budget. Instead, you could send e-blasts and stick to more traditional methods. Pick your advertising based on where your consumers are and what they will engage with.
Marketing for a niche product can be difficult. However, with the right amount of time and research, it can bring a high return on investment for your business. Here at ON Advertising, we have successfully helped many companies with their niche products. Take a look at our portfolio for examples of what we done in the past. Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about advertising for your niche product.

Why You Should Look at Google Analytics

Here at ON Advertising, we heavily rely on Google Analytics. It is a huge part of our business, and it is helpful when tracking the results of our work. Being able to see how a website is doing in response to marketing efforts is critical to see if there is growth in website traffic and a return on investment for clientele. Nowadays with everything being online, seeing if your website could be doing better is a great way to improve your business and lead generation efforts. Here are three benefits of using Google Analytics:

1. It answers the question; why are visitors leaving the site?

This question correlates with the Bounce Rate. If there is a high bounce rate, it means that people are arriving on the website and leaving quickly for some reasons. There are multiple reasons why there could potentially be a high bounce rate. Having a team of experts available to help analyze the situation is crucial to solving it. To lower the bounce rate, you may want to look at the detailed report for Google Analytics supplies. The report could include recommendations for optimizing SEO keywords, a landing page is not attractive enough, or it is not optimized correctly. Examining the bounce rate closely and checking it is very important and could be a key factor in improving business.

2. Understand what social media platforms are working.

When using social media, you want to make sure that efforts for each platform are converting into website visits. If one platform is outperforming another drastically, consider removing or making adjustments to the lower performing platform. Optimizing each social media platform will ensure your budget is being used efficiently. It is also important to keep in mind that just because a social media platform exists, it doesn’t always mean your business needs to be on it. Industries have different appeal across platforms, ensuring you are devoting resources to the right ones will save you time, money, and headaches

3. Looking at Progress Overtime.

The primary goal of a business should be to improve and grow over time. Google Analytics can assist with that by showing the traffic flow during an extended period, i.e., annual, quarterly, etc. you will be able to fine tune your website to better resonate with your audience.
There are many more benefits to using Google Analytics. At ON Advertising, we review the results of marketing efforts on a regular basis to track our clients’ progress. Contact us to learn more about how Google Analytics has helped our clients and how it can help your business reach its goals.

Nike, Colin and the Power of Advertising

It has just been announced that Colin Kaepernick is the new face of Nike’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It”  advertising campaign. Nike always likes to bring an edgy yet youthful factor to their campaign that draws attention to the brand.
Public companies usually don’t like to take a stance on political issues for fear of alienating customers. However, without a worded message or political images, just a slogan and the face of a man, Nike has taken a political stance on what the company believes in a new and powerful message.

What is the Outcome?

As a result, Nike’s stock took a deep dive on the release date of the campaign, September 4th. Some people did not like the stance Nike took, and as a result, fans have been posting on social media #BoycottNike. There have been reports of people burning their own Nike shoes to show they do not support Kaepernick or Nike.

However, Nike knew exactly what they were doing; they wanted to appeal to the younger millennials and the Gen Z audience. Short term, this might have some ramifications, but long term it could potentially put them in a more favorable stance with their target audience. Nike makes efforts to show they believe in what their athletes believe in; they want to show athletes they are on their side.

Social Issues in Advertising

Right now, social activism is the trendy thing to do in advertising that attracts consumers to brands. Nike is not the only company that has tried to take a political stance to gain attention and wins over consumers. The reason behind making a political stance is that companies have realized that more attention is brought to them in the long run. Consumers feel connected to companies that take a political side aligned with their target market; it’s just good for business.

Whether one’s opinion of Kaepernick is positive or negative, Nike has received a lot of attention and publicity from the media. They have created a buzz around the brand that has caught the eye of many people. Advertisers are using bolder strategies than ever before to stand out amongst the competition. Nike is counting on this edgy campaign to resonate with the younger demographic and pay off in the long run.
If your brand is in need of advertising that can evoke emotion in your audiences and ideal clients, please contact us today!

How to Prep Your Firm for AI Marketing

Why You Should Be Looking at AI Marketing:
Faster Decisions- With AI, systems can look and analyze a large pool of data quickly and make snap decisions based on what the data says. It can learn algorithms and identify relationships of consumer preferences with limited human management meaning businesses can make media-buying decisions promptly without having to analyze the data themselves.  
Advanced Personalization- With the plethora of ads out there, consumers are more likely to engage in them when it is personalized to their wants or needs. AI can assist with that with predictive analytics. Tracking buying behaviors and customer searches, data can be used to help produce content that is more tailored to consumer preferences.
Better Customer Service- With effective chatbots, customers can get the help they need faster, and more efficiently. For example, Sephora was one of the first companies to have a chatbox on their website. They have increased customer satisfaction by having the capability to serve more needs with quicker response time.

What Lies Ahead in AI Marketing?

Improved Data Collection- Although AI has advanced data collection capabilities right now, there is always room for improvement. With growing technology, AI will be able to handle more amounts of data to identify specific relationships. Improving everything from consumer targeting, to better content.
More time to be Creative-The one thing AI cannot replace is human creativity. With AI taking care of all the grunt work, it leaves you and your business more time to focus on the fun side of marketing: creativity. Marketers are excited about having AI systems within their work because it is not threatening their jobs, it is enhancing their work. has reported 51% of marketing leaders use AI and in the next two years, 27% more companies will be using it. To learn more about AI marketing or how to get started, click here.

Meet Our Passionate Social Media Manager

A couple of weeks ago we introduced you to our social media star, Michelle, and the tools, tips, and tricks she uses to manage all ON’s social media accounts. Well, now we get to learn more about her personal story. Michelle Berry is an Arizona native who knew she belonged in the advertising and marketing world but didn’t know how. A few years out of college she discovered her love and passion for social media, and from there she has been able to share her talent and knowledge with the ON family and all of our clients. Read on to learn more about she spends her days in the office, what she’s genuinely passionate about, tips to staying organized in the crazy world of social media and more!

So, tell us, how long have you been working for ON?

I have worked for ON Advertising for one year this month and it has flown by.

What is the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

One thing I have been focusing a lot on is the social media for the agency. Getting a consistent posting schedule in order and making sure our brand reflects our work and the work we do for our clients, present, and future. What I learned early on in my career is if a company or brand is looking for an agency, especially for social media work, why should they hire an agency whose social media isn’t fresh and on point so it’s been my goal to have a rockin’ social media presence.
Another client that has some cool things going on is Chompie’s! They’re already a great brand to be working with but being able to implement Facebook Live videos once a month and being able to utilize the Instagram Story Highlights tool for them has been a lot of fun and it really is gratifying work. 

What would you say is the hardest part about being a social media manager?

Staying organized is probably the hardest part of my job. I’m already a pretty organized person when it comes down to it, but when you are managing more than ten clients with multiple social media platforms, it can get a little chaotic. But if you have a solid system in place, to-do lists, calendars, and checklists, to keep all the moving parts in order, then it makes life and work a lot easier.

We know how much you love your job but what are some of your passions?

Other than trying to save every animal I possibly can, I only have so much space, it would be Alzheimer’s research and working to find a cure. My grandpa (fondly known as Boppa) lost a ten year battle with Alzheimer’s about four years ago, and after his death, it was eating me up inside that I wasn’t doing anything to help aid this cause. I found out that Phoenix has a yearly Alzheimer’s walk so near the one year anniversary of his passing my mom, and I participated which was such an amazing experience but it didn’t feel like enough. And as if by some divine intervention I received an email from the Desert Southwest Alzheimer’s Association chapter asking for volunteers to join the walk planning committee. I signed up without a second thought and attended my first meeting. From there I became the Marketing and Outreach Committee Chair, grown my committee, and now it is my second year as the chair, and the third year I’ll be walking. While there is not a cure yet, the money we have been able to raise, even in just this year alone, we know is helping fund the research to help find the cure. It always feels like such a small gesture, but I know it’s helping. So really, my passion and work are almost one in the same. 

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I am a firm believer in data being able to tell a story of how your social media efforts are doing and what you could be doing better. I love doing the monthly social media reports for all of our clients because I get to see how the hard work as well as the small changes and ideas I wanted to try are doing. And when I look at their numbers improving it is just so rewarding. It’s that small validation that we all seek at some point or another that we have found our niche and we are good at what we do. Seeing those increase in followers or impressions is my validation.

What inspires you to succeed every day?

Of course, being able to give my animals (I actually have three cats and one dog, other two not pictured) the very best life they could ever hope for but I also put pressure on myself to succeed which can be a double-edged sword. But I believe if I didn’t put that pressure on myself I wouldn’t be where I am today.

How do you recharge?

If I have the time and want to recharge for the week ahead, I’m all about #SelfcareSunday. I take a long bath, do a face and hair mask and just sit and try not to think about anything. It can be very relaxing, but it takes a lot to shut my mind off completely. But when time is not on my side, I try to do at least an hour of yoga a day. I never thought I could be the person who thinks of nothing during their practice, but when my body is in some uncomfortable position where a pretzel is less twisted than I am, I can’t think about work. It’s so refreshing to have at least one hour a day where my mind isn’t going a million miles a minute. And it probably helps my phone isn’t near me, so I’m not always checking my emails. (And yes I am guilty of working on vacation.)
Michelle is the strong personality we need here at ON. She does a great job of managing our social media and finding new innovative ways to enhance our work. We are so grateful to have her as a part of the ON team. Her spunky attitude keeps us all going throughout the day and we can always count on her for a laugh when we’re feeling down or a Pandora station filled with new music that we haven’t heard yet. Our team at ON wouldn’t be complete without her. 
