Monthly Archives: branding
Effective billboard marketing

How Effective is Billboard Marketing?

While digital marketing is dominating the advertising landscape, billboard marketing remains a vibrant (and sometimes humorous) presence on our roadways. But is it still effective in a world dominated by social media feeds and targeted online ads? Absolutely! Billboard marketing, when done right, can be a powerful tool for brand awareness and influencing purchase decisions.

Why Billboard Marketing Still Rules 

Social media is taking over the advertising word, but outdoor marketing isn’t gone just yet! Here’s why billboards still deserve a spot in your marketing mix:

  • They Can’t Be Skipped: Ads that appear online that you reflexively skip, are combated with billboards that demand your attention (at least for those few precious minutes while you’re stuck in traffic).
  • They Target Everyone: Unlike ultra specific, targeted, online ads that follow you across the internet, billboards can reach a much broader audience. 
  • They Can Make You Laugh: Let’s be honest, some billboard ads are hilarious. A well-placed pun or a witty image can brighten your day (or at least distract you from the fact that you haven’t moved in 10 minutes). And hey, humor is a powerful tool for brand recall. 
  • They Can Spark an Emotional Connection: The best billboard ads go beyond just selling a product. They can evoke emotions, whether it’s a sense of adventure, a touch of nostalgia, or a simple “wow” factor. 
  • They Work in Harmony with Your Digital Assets: Billboards can be the perfect wingman for your digital marketing campaigns. Use them to drive traffic to your website, promote a social media hashtag, or simply reinforce your brand message across platforms.

Making Your Billboard a Masterpiece

So, you’re convinced billboard marketing is worth a shot? Here are a few tips to ensure your ad doesn’t blend into the background:

  • Location, Location, Location: Finding the right spot is key. Think about who you want to reach and where they’re most likely to be stuck in traffic or just driving by.
  • Keep it Simple: People whizzing by at 60 mph don’t have time to read a novel on your billboard. Use strong visuals, a clear message, and keep the text short and sweet.
  • Embrace the Power of Humor: Don’t be afraid to make people laugh! A funny billboard will not only be memorable but also create a positive brand association. 
  • Give Them a Reason to Act: What do you want people to do after seeing your billboard? Visit your website? Use a promo code? Tell their friends about your awesome product? Include a clear call to action to make sure your message sticks.

The Future of Billboards

Billboard marketing isn’t stuck in the past. With the rise of digital billboards, the industry is experiencing a tech makeover. These dynamic displays offer flexibility, allowing for real-time updates and targeted content based on the time of day or even weather conditions. When done strategically, billboard marketing remains a powerful tool for brand awareness, driving consumer action, and entertaining anyone stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. 

ON Advertising is the largest Minority-Owned Advertising Agency in the Southwest

ON Advertising is now the largest minority-owned agency in the Southwest and we did not get there by accident. It took hard work, long hours, and determination to do excellent work for our clients. Our brand strategists work synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and researchers blend their talents to develop a brand that works for you. Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your Gen Z audience or any other marketing project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow to the next level.

when is the best time to upload?

When is the Best Time to Upload Your YouTube Masterpiece

Ah, YouTube. The land of cat videos, makeup tutorials that make you look like a Renaissance painting and questionable life hacks that involve duct tape and a toaster (please don’t try that at home). But for creators, it’s also a battlefield – a fight for views, likes, and comments that validate your existence (just kidding… mostly).

One question that haunts every YouTuber’s dreams is: when is the best time to post a video, especially when it comes to advertising time?

Fear not, fellow content creators! Today, we’ll navigate the murky waters of YouTube analytics and emerge with a roadmap to internet fame (or at least, enough views to impress your grandma).

The Lore of YouTube Analytics

First, let’s dispel some myths. There’s no magical “post at 3:14 AM on a Tuesday during a blue moon” moment that guarantees success. YouTube analytics offer trends and insights, but the algorithm is a bit of a mystery.

However, some general wisdom exists. Here’s a breakdown of the most popular theories:

  • The “After Work, Before Dinner” Zone: This theory suggests that people are most likely to catch your video between 2 pm and 6 pm on weekdays, that sweet spot between escaping the office and facing the horror of “what’s for dinner?”.
  • The Weekend Binge: Weekends are for catching up on sleep, questionable life choices, and apparently, YouTube marathons. Posting between 9 am and 6 pm on Saturdays and Sundays might snag viewers kicking back and looking for entertainment.
  • The Global Grind Never Sleeps: Forget time zones! If you’re a jet-setting vlogger (or just have an audience scattered worldwide), consider posting at various times to catch viewers in different parts of the globe.

But Here’s the Real Truth…

The best time to post on YouTube depends entirely on your audience.

Here’s how to find your sweet spot:

  • Unlock Your Audience Insights: YouTube Analytics (under the “Audience” tab) is your friend. See your viewer’s time zones and adjust your posting schedule accordingly.
  • Experiment Like a Mad Scientist: Try different times and track the results. Did your dog parkour video go viral when you posted it at 3 am? Embrace the weird and see what works!
  • Post Consistently: Scattered content, no matter when you post, won’t hold your audience’s attention. Develop a posting schedule and stick to it (even if it means sacrificing that extra hour of sleep).

Bonus Tip: Consider the Algorithm Gods

Once you’ve identified your posting sweet spot, here’s how to work with the mysterious YouTube algorithm:

  • Post-Engaging Content: This might seem obvious, but high-quality videos with interesting titles, descriptions, and eye-catching thumbnails are key.
  • Optimize, Optimize, Optimize: Use relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions, and categorize your videos correctly.
  • Hook ‘Em Early: The first few seconds of your video are crucial. Grab viewers’ attention and make them want more.

The Final Word (Except for the Cat Video Disclaimer)

Remember, the path to YouTube success isn’t paved with just posting times. It’s a combination of understanding your audience, creating stellar content, and offering a bribe to the algorithm gods (we recommend cookies, they seem to like those). But with a little experimentation and a sprinkle of humor (because who doesn’t love a good laugh?), you’ll be well on your way to YouTube domination.

ON Advertising is the largest Minority-Owned Advertising Agency in the Southwest

ON Advertising is now the largest minority-owned agency in the Southwest and we did not get there by accident. It took hard work, long hours, and determination to do excellent work for our clients.  Our brand strategists work synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and researchers blend their talents to develop a brand that works for you. Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your Gen Z audience or any other marketing project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow to the next level. 

Female graphic designer working at her desk

Logo Guidelines for Branding Success in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of branding and marketing, a well-designed logo is crucial for building a strong brand identity. The logo design landscape continues to change, demanding innovative approaches to captivate audiences and stand out from the competition.

Here are the best logo guidelines for branding success in 2023

Explore these guidelines to help your business succeed in 2023 and ensure that your logos are memorable, versatile, and timeless.

1. Embrace Minimalism 

Simplicity remains a timeless principle in logo design. In 2023, the trend towards minimalism continues to gain momentum. Simplified and clean logo designs allow for easy recognition and scalability across different platforms and devices. Consider stripping away unnecessary details and focusing on essential elements to create a visually striking logo that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

2. Experiment with Typography 

Typography plays a significant role in logo design and it offers exciting possibilities. Customized lettering, unique fonts, and creative arrangements can help differentiate your brand and convey its personality. Aim for legibility and choose fonts that align with your brand’s tone and values. Experimentation with typography can create a distinctive logo that captures attention and reinforces your brand’s message.

3. Dynamic and Adaptive Logos 

In today’s digital age, where brands interact with consumers across multiple platforms, static logos are no longer sufficient. Dynamic and adaptive logos, designed to adapt to different screens, sizes, and contexts, are gaining popularity. Such logos offer versatility, allowing businesses to maintain a consistent brand presence across various mediums, from websites to social media platforms and mobile apps.

4. Incorporate Motion 

As video and animation become integral parts of online content, incorporating motion into logos is a growing trend. A well-executed animated logo can captivate viewers, enhance brand storytelling, and create a memorable visual experience. Consider creating logo variations with subtle animations or dynamic elements that bring your brand to life, leaving a lasting impression on your target audience.

5. Prioritize Originality 

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, it is crucial to create a logo that stands out from the competition. Strive for originality and avoid clichés or generic design elements. A unique and distinctive logo will help your brand leave a lasting impression and build a strong connection with consumers. Conduct thorough research to ensure your logo is not similar to existing ones and seek inspiration from diverse sources to fuel your creativity.

6. Consider Cultural Sensitivity 

In a globalized world, cultural sensitivity plays a vital role in logo design. Ensure that your logo does not unintentionally offend or misrepresent any cultural or religious group. Be mindful of color associations, symbols, and iconography, as they may vary in meaning across different cultures. By being culturally sensitive, you can avoid negative associations and foster a positive connection with a diverse audience.

7. Create a Brand Style Guide

Apart from following the logo guidelines discussed above, it is essential to create a brand style guide to ensure consistent and cohesive visual branding across all touchpoints. A brand style guide outlines the appropriate logo usage, color palette, typography, and other design elements related to your brand identity. This guide will serve as a reference for anyone involved in creating marketing materials, ensuring that your brand’s visual representation remains consistent and impactful.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of branding, following logo guidelines that align with current trends is crucial for business success in 2023. A well-designed logo will serve as a powerful tool in establishing a lasting brand identity and setting the stage for success in the years to come.

ON Advertising Develops Brands for Today and Tomorrow

The team at ON Advertising are branding experts. We can help you stay true to your brand, adapt to evolving trends, and continuously engage with your audience to build a thriving brand in today’s dynamic business landscape. Contact us today to see how we can develop and maintain your brand.

Wooden blocks with brand and build written on them

Building a Popular Future-Proof Brand

In today’s competitive business landscape, standing out and gaining widespread recognition is a goal for every brand. With the advent of social media and the abundance of options available to consumers, it’s essential to develop a brand strategy to capture attention, foster loyalty, and stay ahead of the curve. In this blog post, we explore key strategies to build a popular brand that can withstand the test of time and adapt to ever-evolving market dynamics.

Important Future-Proof Brand Strategies

The following steps are designed to help you build a strong and relevant brand that not only gains popularity but resonates with your target audience.

1. Be Authentic & Original
Authenticity is the cornerstone of a popular brand. Stay true to your brand’s values, story, and promises. By staying authentic and aligned with your values, you establish trust and can attract a passionate following from consumers. Make sure your brand is original, as developing a brand that is unique will help maintain authenticity.

2. Have a Compelling Story
Crafting a compelling brand story goes beyond showcasing product features. Tap into the values, aspirations, and experiences that resonate with your target market. Utilize different mediums such as videos, blog posts, and social media campaigns to share narratives that reflect your brand’s unique journey. Remember, be authentic!

3. Create Brand Attachment
By creating a sense of belonging and emotional attachment, your brand will win the hearts of consumers. The goal is for consumers to see the brand as an extension of their personality, values, and aspirations. By associating with the brand, they communicate something about themselves and their identity to others. Consumers that feel emotionally tied to your brand will stay loyal, create word of mouth, and be more willing to invest.

4. Emphasize Exceptional Customer Experience
Delivering an exceptional customer experience is vital for brand differentiation and popularity. Invest in understanding your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Personalize experiences across all touchpoints, providing quick response times, user-friendly interfaces, and outstanding customer service.

5. Embrace User-Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) empowers your customers to become brand advocates. Encourage customers to share their experiences, photos, and testimonials on social media to spread the word about your brand. Also, consider reposting and sharing UGC. This fosters a sense of community, encourages participation, and elevates your brand’s popularity and reach.

6. Stay Agile and Continuously Innovate
In an ever-changing market landscape, it’s crucial for business brands to stay agile and continuously innovate to remain future-proof. Keep a pulse on industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies. Foster a culture of innovation within your organization, encouraging employees to think outside the box and explore new ideas. Embrace experimentation and adapt quickly to market shifts. By staying agile and constantly pushing boundaries, your brand can proactively anticipate and meet the evolving needs of your audience, ensuring long-term relevance and sustained popularity.

7. Embrace Tech
By embracing emerging technologies, leveraging data-driven insights, and staying agile, your brand will continue to evolve along with your audience. Utilize immersive technologies like AR and VR, leverage AI, optimize for voice search, and tap into the latest features of social media platforms. Collaborate with emerging influencers and make sure to explore any new opportunities that come your way. 

Embrace the Culture of Your Consumers 

Cultural perceptions significantly influence brand success. It’s essential to be culturally sensitive and respect differences when expanding into new markets. Never just assume your audience feels the same way as you do. Localize your messaging and adapt to local preferences.  

Building a popular and future-proof brand requires a well-planned brand strategy, but with these tips, you have the building blocks to get there. Embrace authenticity, storytelling, innovation, and open-mindedness. By incorporating these strategies, your brand can rise above the competition, win the hearts of consumers, and secure long-lasting popularity. 

ON Advertising Develops Brands for Today and Tomorrow

The team at ON Advertising is full of branding experts. We can help you stay true to your brand, adapt to evolving trends, and continuously engage with your audience to build a thriving brand in today’s dynamic business landscape. Contact us today to see how we can develop and maintain your brand.

Rebrand your business

Signs It’s Time to Rebrand Your Business

Rebranding your business comes with the territory of owning and managing a successful brand. Even corporations that have endured decades in a highly competitive market need to remain open to pivoting and adjusting their brand along the way. 

Knowing just when to implement consumer-facing changes is key. In order to gauge the best time to rebrand your business, there are some common signs to look out for.

Should You Rebrand Your Business?

Read over the following signs to determine if rebranding is in your best interest.

Your Brand Appears Oudated and Out of Touch with the Times 

This might be the most common and obvious sign that your brand needs a major refresher. Perhaps your visual brand standards are associated with old trends and appear dated to your target audience. If your products or services are intended for a particular age demographic, you need to stay current with what your targeted age bracket resonates with the most. 

Should you lose touch with the values and expectations of your ideal target audience, you’ll see a drop in engagement, sales and overall effectiveness. Rebranding could mean visually updating your logo, website, social media presence, slogan, etc. It might also entail making brand improvements in customer communication and sales process preferences. 

Either way, you want your brand to be easily recognizable, accessible and relatable to your target demographic. Taking them through the sales funnel and customer journey isn’t difficult when you’re staying in tune with the current trends and preferences of consumers.

You Have an Unclear Target Demographic

Yes, back to target demographics. This one is big. You might need to rebrand your business by first tightening up exactly who your customers are and identifying their needs, goals, pain points, triggers, communication styles, etc.

 If you don’t have these key aspects defined, it’s likely that your brand is casting too wide a net and not coming back with the desired results. Once you’ve clearly defined and identified your brand’s target audience, you’ll better understand how to successfully lead them through the buyer’s journey. It is going to require thought and research, but once you have those details worked out, you can begin rebranding your business in a more bullseye kind of way. 

You’re Experiencing an Acquisition or Merger

Anytime a business is undergoing a change in leadership through an acquisition or merger, it’s a good time to consider rebranding the business. These top-level changes carry ripple effects throughout the organization and foundational questions will inevitably emerge. 

Ask yourself:

  • How does this (if at all) impact our target audience/demographic? 
  • Will this acquisition or merger eliminate, add or modify any of our existing products or services?
  • Will this change impact a new geographical location, a new cultural aspect we need to consider?
  • Does this change the brand’s name, logo, or other brand standards currently in place?

Getting clear on the answers to these questions is the first step towards reshaping and cultivating a more successful brand as these leadership changes take place.

Rebranding is all about revisiting the basics of your brand and business. What worked in the past is not guaranteed to work moving forward and remaining open-minded and flexible will help your business stand the test of time.

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence.  Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

building blocks of brand agency partnerships

3 Steps Towards Improved Brand and Agency Partnerships

Knowing how to build and maintain quality relationships is a life skill that pays dividends in rewards if mastered. The brand-agency dynamic is one such relationship that carries a wealth of potential. 

How can these relationships bond into long-term, successful business partnerships? 

There are some strategic steps you can take to make this a reality. Experience the benefits of building strong partnerships by utilizing the following action steps.

Improving Your Brand-Agency Relationship

1. Frequent and Transparent Communication

Yes, communication is top of the list for improving relationships of every kind. The agency-brand relationship is no different. It is foundational to establish good communication, ‘good’ meaning frequent and transparent communication. 

Be honest and share openly with updates and responses that won’t leave the other side in the dark or questioning your integrity. By doing so, you are boosting productivity and clarity on intentions, ideas, strategy and next steps. Being intentional about establishing quality communication also naturally leads to trust.

It’s important to have straightforward talks concerning budget costs, payment structures, and expectations early on and regularly as needed. Transparency in your conversations will help eliminate misunderstandings and confusion while securing the groundwork for trust.

2. Own Up to Your Mistakes

Don’t wait for someone else to point out where you may have messed up. Be the first to hold yourself accountable for any areas where you know there’s been a mistake or caused confusion. Accountability reinforces the trust you are building over time. It shows that you care about the scope of work performed as well as the results produced. Are you overpromising while underperforming or are you underpromising and overperforming? Be aware of what you promise and what you deliver. Try to maintain consistency with full accountability when inconsistencies appear rather than having them build up and go unaddressed.

3. Focus on Tracking and Reviewing Data-Driven Results

Numbers don’t lie. They speak for themselves and remove any ambiguity when both sides are discussing the effectiveness of an ad campaign or other marketing initiative. It would be wise to place importance on data tracking from the start. 

While creativity is important, brands need to know their agency understands their goals and has a proven strategy on how to reach them. Showing a brand through trackable data where they were before and how they’ve improved since their partnership with you is huge. It goes back to holding yourself accountable, reinforcing trust, and fostering good communication as mentioned earlier. 

Brands not only want to see their return on investment but deserve to as part of a valuable relationship with your agency. A data-driven approach uses all the tools and technologies available to ensure successful measures are taken. 

These are just a few of the many ways to cultivate a stronger, healthier partnership between brands and agencies. They are powerful tools to start implementing right away as a normal part of your company culture. You’ll soon see noticeable results in the quality and longevity of your partnerships. 

ON Advertising is One of Phoenix’s Top Advertising Agencies

ON Advertising consists of brand strategists working synergistically to develop and support successful market influence. Our full-scale consideration of each facet of marketing and advertising operates with clear goals and objectives laid out for each client and their unique needs. 

Our team of thinkers, creatives, and observers blend their talents together to help develop a brand that works for you.  Whether you are seeking additional advertising advice for your marketing strategy or any other retail project, we can make it happen!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine!

A videographer in a ambient setting shooting a video for a retail business

Strong Creative Results in Strong Sales for Retail Business

If you own a retail business, you know firsthand how competitive the industry is. Not to mention, eCommerce shopping is only getting more prominent in our lives. So, how do you stand out from your competitors? ? Simple. Partner with a full-service advertising agency that can concept, develop, and place effective creative advertising to strengthen your sales numbers.

As one of the top ad agencies in Arizona, ON Advertising is the go-to for quality services that put your business front and center of your competition. When you work with us, you’re not just receiving our creative minds and collective experience, you’re gaining a valuable partnership to increase ROI. Read our article below to learn more about our creative services and how they can help your retail business find great success. 

Capture The Essence Of Your Retail Business With Video Production Services

Video production is nothing new to retail. In fact, businesses have been using professional video production for commercials and websites for a long while. With social media and other digital platforms only becoming more popular, there are many opportunities for retailers to highlight their brands visually.  Some benefits to consider when enlisting in video production services include:

  • Personalization for customers.
  • Showing them what you’re all about is better than telling them.
  • Powerful videos can result in better sales and conversions.
  • It adds a human element to your retail business.
  • Videos are perfect for showing off more complex products.

Looking To Resonate With Your Target Customers? Go With The Copywriter.

What separates a retail business from its competitors? Personality. To develop a brand tone of voice that truly resonates with your customer, you need a copywriter. They’re the chameleons of the advertising world as they can shapeshift words to fit what your customers are looking for. This will play a huge role in turning casual shoppers into loyal buyers. But, finding a formula that works for your business is critical. So, what exactly goes into great retail copywriting?

  • Great copywriting will focus on benefits, not features.
  • It will influence action and understand consumer behavior.
  • Great work can spark an emotional reaction.
  • Writers understand the importance of storytelling.

Graphic Designers Influence Consumer Behavior For Retail Businesses

Another important aspect of strong creative is the role of the graphic designer. The work they do is probably the most important as it helps capture your audience’s attention, intrigue them, and engage them. This is especially true when they’re partnered with a copywriter. Moreover, graphic design helps you form people’s positive perceptions of your brand, as well as inspire them to remember your products. Some benefits of partnering with a graphic designer include:

  • Strong graphic design can boost brand familiarity.
  • It can help tailor your brand to your customers’ needs.
  • They will understand color theory and what will be most impactful for your designs.
  • They can make your projects relatable to your target audience.

ON Advertising’s Creative Team Knows Retail

As one of the best creative agencies in Phoenix, ON Advertising are experts in developing successful brands. Our strategic approach will expand your company’s personality and help determine the image you wish to portray to the public. ON’s team of thinkers, creatives, and observers synergize their talents to develop a brand that works for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business shine.

The Original Grande logo in front of nachos and corporate characters

Client Spotlight: The Original Grande

After much anticipation and excitement, JRI Hospitality officially opened its first The Original Grande location in Salina, Kansas on February 7th, 2022. The road to get here was long, but for ON Advertising, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences. We helped JRI create a brand that would stand out to consumers for its exceptional service and commitment to providing quality food. 

For almost 30 years, ON Advertising has been one of Arizona’s top marketing agencies for our way of obtaining favorable results for our clients. We take a business-based approach in our partnerships, which means we look at the bottom-line growth for our clients. Read our blog post below to learn how we have helped JRI Hospitality launch The Original Grande and create a brand that excites its customers. 

Who Are The Original Grande?

The Original Grande is a blossoming fast-casual restaurant chain that is owned and operated by JRI Hospitality. JRI has extensive experience in managing a variety of hospitality businesses including Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers, Chompie’s, Mokas Cafe, and the Salina Country Club. 

The Original Grande is one of their newer concepts that focus on serving affordable Mexican food with friendly service. Their menu is full of your favorites, including tacos, burritos, enchiladas, and their famous taco burger. As a new venture, they needed help creating their brand from the ground up. 

We Developed a Laid-Back Website That Builds Customers’ Appetites

One of the first things we were tasked with for The Original Grande was to create a website with personality and mouth-watering imagery. 

Mexican food is loved by all and we wanted to highlight how the restaurant welcomes any and everyone to enjoy The Original Grande menu. To achieve this, we created a brand tone of voice that is laid-back and welcoming to any and every diner craving a taste of the southwest. 

Frankie Calandra, ON Advertising’s Copywriter, explains, “when I was developing the copy for the website I looked at many different companies to see how they were presenting their Mexican food and overall business. I learned that creating a down-to-earth voice is important, especially when offering affordable menu items like The Original Grande.” He adds, “So, I incorporated fun language into the copy to show that while the restaurant takes its food seriously, they are a fun company to engage with.” 

Since the website’s launch in January, the site has received 5,000+ user visits and has no signs of slowing down. This is due to our SEO techniques, strong website copy, design, and engaging social media content.

We Use Social Media to Excite The Original Grande Fans

Speaking of social media, it’s a very important part of The Original Grande’s marketing strategy. We run the franchise’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, sharing images of their menu items and informing their audience of any updates about the brand. Our strategy is simple – spread the word of The Original Grande and encourage residents of the cities they’re located to visit. 

“Facebook alone sees a high number of engagement. On average, a post will receive an engagement rate of 200.” says Michelle Berry, ON’s Director of Social Media. ”I am thrilled to see where we have taken the brand’s social. Its growth in followers and engagement has truly been exciting to watch.”

Email Marketing is Designed to Inform

One activity we just launched, now that The Original Grande is officially open, is sending out emails to people who’ve subscribed to the e-club. We are focusing our email campaigns around hiring events, location updates, limited-time offers, and more. According to our Mailchimp analytics, since our first email campaign, the brand has experienced an open rate of 40%. 

As the brand continues to grow and develop an even larger following, we anticipate this number to grow significantly.

We Created Corporate Characters That Relate to their Customers

As we began developing The Original Grande brand, we started thinking about other fast-food chains and what made them so unique. One of the biggest things we found was how businesses have a corporate character that almost mirrors the values and brand image they wish to portray.

So, we began knocking around some ideas for the brand. We came up with Señor Grande and Chico Grande. Their story goes like this:

Señor Grande, a southwestern saguaro, and his son, Chico Grande, were tired of the scorching hot Arizona summers and limited supply of water. The two decided to embark on a journey to find the perfect place to call home. They visited every state and every major city and noticed many did not have easy access to affordable Mexican cuisine.

The idea for The Original Grande was born. By prioritizing high-quality ingredients, the father-son duo made it their mission to satisfy customers’ cravings for affordable, quality Mexican food. They chose to set up shop in Kansas to entice people from all directions of the country to visit their restaurant.

Eric Garcia, ON Advertising’s Creative Director, explains what the duo represents, “It tells a humble origin story that represents the generation gap between old and new that brings authenticity to the brand. The story behind The Original Grande incorporates the company’s core values in a fun, engaging way. Additionally, we made it as simple as possible so anyone who reads Señor and Chico Grande’s journey understands what to expect when they visit one of the TOG restaurants.“

ON Advertising Are Experts in B2C Businesses

We are proud of the work we accomplished for The Original Grande and JRI Hospitality, and we are excited to continue our partnership with them. As one of the top advertising agencies in Phoenix, ON Advertising is an award-winning full-service advertising and marketing agency committed to the success of our clients — and featuring a diverse team of highly skilled professionals who are passionate about what we do. We provide our clients with award-winning services customized for each organization to ensure their brand succeeds. Contact us today to learn how ON Advertising can help you.

ON Advertising and Peddler's Son delivering food for the canned food drive

ON Advertising Is Proud to Give Back With a Canned Food Drive

The past year has been challenging for many people across the State of Arizona. In the spirit of the holidays, ON Advertising felt it was necessary to give back to the community that needs it most. So, in partnership with Peddler’s Son, we launched a canned food drive to benefit the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix. Read our article below to learn more about our canned food initiative. 

Arizona is Hungry and Needs Help

According to the Harvest Compassion Center website, 1 in 4 Arizona children and 1 in 5 adults are hungry. Arizona ranks 13th worst in the country in food hardship, with 19.2% of Arizonians not having enough money to provide food for their family throughout the year. The national food hardship rate is 17.2%.

That’s not even accounting for the hardships people have struggled with during the COVID-19 pandemic. While we were fortunate enough to have had a successful year, we knew many others haven’t, so we decided to give back.

In Partnership with Peddler’s Son, We Started a Canned Food Drive

Both companies launched a food drive to help support the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix and its mission in feeding families in need. Nobody should go hungry, especially around the holidays, so our team and clients brought in nonperishable food and supplies to help keep people fed. 

Bechét Proto, an ON Advertising Account Executive and lead on this project states, “It’s such a joy to be able to collaborate with our teams in an effort that helps benefit others. In the spirit of the giving season, it’s important to acknowledge the successes we’ve had, and to be able to pay it forward is both rewarding and meaningful. When we donated food to Harvest Compassion Center, there was a line out the door. To see who we are helping makes a small project like this feel like a big difference in the community.” 

What Did We Accomplish With Our Canned Food Drive?

We are happy to share that between both ON Advertising and Peddler’s Son, the Harvest Compassion Center of North Phoenix received over 100 pounds of food and supplies. We’re extremely proud of our team and clients for stepping up this year to give back to our community.

Bechét describes the excitement of reaching our goal, “Peddler’s Son has a lot of experience in giving back to the community, and it was inspiring to us to be able to jump in and help. Even with our small team, we ended up filling all of our boxes to meet our goal. If you are willing and able to give back, I highly recommend it because it brings people together and shines light amongst any negativity that might be going on.” 

If you’d like to get involved with the Harvest Compassion Center, visit their website and reach out so you can play a part in making a difference

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For more than 25 years, ON Advertising has been one of Phoenix, Arizona’s premier marketing firms. Our agency is composed of a variety of professionals ranging from marketing strategists and account executives to creative video producers and graphic designers. We’re the source for marketing solutions that bring you an increase in ROI. Contact us today and learn how our team can help elevate your business. 
